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Facebook Timeline shares you're expecting a baby

Posted: 15 Aug 2012 02:20 AM PDT

Yes! It's really true and it seems Facebook is getting personal and biological and social indeed. Why? Well, Facebook Timeline launched last August 13, 2012 an event in which users can share a status that they are expecting a baby, not just that, you can put due date and the best of all, specify if it's a boy or a girl. isn't it cool?!

Now here's how it works.

Go to your Profile, and beside STATUS, PHOTO and PLACE is LIFE EVENT. Click that link.
FB profile of bugITs author: Mark Monta

Under Family & Relationships, you can choose Expecting a Baby

Then choose the correct options for Gender and other information

Here's an example of the Life Event status.

What do you think of this latest push?

Photos Credit: www.techcrunch.com