Tech Mania: PlayStation Move up on sale now at Amazon plus 3 more articles

Tech Mania: PlayStation Move up on sale now at Amazon plus 3 more articles

PlayStation Move up on sale now at Amazon

Posted: 17 Sep 2010 09:04 AM PDT

You might know that the PlayStation Move isn’t supposed to go on sale until September 19th, even though Playstation move was available on Best Buy.Now Amazon’s jumped into the band wagon and put the PlayStation Move $99.99 Starter Bundle up for sale a few days early. And with local express delivery, you can even get it shipped today if you qualify. Worse case, use one-day shipping and you’ll still get it before the Joneses.

playstation move2 PlayStation Move up on sale now at Amazon

You might be interested to check the $399.99 PlayStation 3 320GB with Move Bundle, $49.99 Move Controller, and $29.96 Move Navigation Controller ready for purchase too. Full press release detailing all the items after the break.


3D Blu-ray on the PS3: working (video)

Posted: 17 Sep 2010 07:58 AM PDT

One thing which we were desperately waiting to hit the PS3 is – 3D Blu-ray support.Sony’s been promising it would happen for, well, exactly that same amount of time. Yesterday the company confirmed that the 3D-enabling 3.50 firmware update is less than a week away, dropping on September 21, and here’s proof that it works: a demonstration unit up and running at TGS. Fully animated evidence after the break.

ps3 3d 300x186 3D Blu ray on the PS3: working (video)

ps3 3d 1 300x229 3D Blu ray on the PS3: working (video)

ps3 3d 2 300x181 3D Blu ray on the PS3: working (video)

ps3 3d tv 300x196 3D Blu ray on the PS3: working (video)Via

Motorola CEO: Droid Tablet “Hopefully” Coming Early Next Year will miss holiday season

Posted: 17 Sep 2010 06:02 AM PDT

The tablet market is so hot these days now thanks to the iPad the  tablets are selling in droves. The bad thing for most companies is that the iPad is one of the few tablets on the market right now. There are a number of other tablets set to land soon and one of the tablets that were expected in time for holiday shopping was from Motorola.Motorola CEO, Sanjay Jha told  at yesterday's Deutsche Bank Tech Conference in regards to the rumored Droid tablet

I will only develop a tablet if it is sufficiently compelling. We want to make sure that any tablet that we deliver is competitive in the marketplace, and I think all of us will make sure that we will only deliver that when that occurs. Hopefully, that is early next year

The bad news for shareholders and fans of Motorola gear is that the tablet will not make it in time for the holiday season. Motorola co-CEO Sanjay Jha has said that the tablet won't land until early next year.

motorolatablet sg 300x123 Motorola CEO: Droid Tablet

We'll just have to assume he found it "sufficiently compelling" a few of months ago since most of us know this is already in development (Codenamed Stingray?).In fact, we can also almost guarantee that some are in the hands of testers at this very time and that hardware and even a lot of the specs are starting to be finalized.  The "early next year" comments though, do fall in line with everything we've heard, so we'll just take this not-in-development talk as being out of context.

sanjay jha 300x213 Motorola CEO: Droid Tablet

The move may have something to do with the fact that Motorola has bet much of its business and growth on Android devices and done well with the strategy. Google has said that it doesn't think Android Froyo is appropriate for tablets. Perhaps the move by Motorola is to get its tablet running a version of Android specifically for the tablet market. Jha also hinted at tablets that were "even more smartphone-centric" reports the WSJ.

Via Slashgear , Droid-Life

Microsoft’s Windows Phone 7 Will be GSM Only Until 2011

Posted: 17 Sep 2010 05:29 AM PDT

After Verizon said they wouldn't be launching a Windows Phone 7-based device this year, it seems that Microsoft needed to get their own word in on the subject and is twisting the knife by confirming that its new platform will be GSM-only until the first half of 2011. Unfortunately, while GSM is a far more utilized network around the world, there's obviously going to be CDMA-based customers out there, like on Verizon and Sprint, who will be greatly displeased with this bit of news. But, Product Manager Greg Sullivan of Microsoft has just informed CNET that certain things needed to be done to reach the schedule Microsoft wanted, which meant that GSM had to be focused on.

lg windows phone 7 proto 300x178 Microsoft's Windows Phone 7 Will be GSM Only Until 2011

Of course, while people may be dreaming of a Sprint 4G-based Windows Phone 7, there's a reason why Microsoft is deciding to go down this route. GSM is used around the world, while CDMA is a far more "localized" effort. With that being said, Sullivan added that CDMA devices would be making an appearance in the first half of 2011, and no sooner than that.

Windows Phone 7 final21 300x198 Microsoft's Windows Phone 7 Will be GSM Only Until 2011

Whether or not you bite into the rumors that the Kin deal with Verizon ruined the relationship between Microsoft and the wireless carrier is up to you, that’s why AT&T is the “premier carrier” for WP7, but either way, it’s down to Ma Bell and T-Mobile to get this thing off the ground now — launch Windows Phone 7, and keep it afloat long enough for Verizon and Sprint to get a hold of it. Hopefully we don't have a Kin reenactment.
