PRO HACK - Learn to crack any version of Winrar - An Introduction to Cracking Part 2

PRO HACK - Learn to crack any version of Winrar – An Introduction to Cracking Part 2

Learn to crack any version of Winrar – An Introduction to Cracking Part 2

Sorry for a late update folks..My final exams are here and hence I was a bit busy in studies (and playing Metal Gear Solid 2 if anybody cares :D ). As I have less time to blog, I might as well write a quick and dirty guide to crack Winrar using 2mo6rrn11Ollydbg this time. Ollydbg is a debugging program which I tout as the best debugging and disassembling program available to us,the lesser mortals. It has an extremely intuitive interface (although at first run, it might be cryptic for many) and one can write off their own plugins to extend functionality. You must have a basic idea of memory address and assembly language, or you might want to read the part one of this tutorial - Learn to crack any version of Winrar – An Introduction to cracking

By Reading this tutorial You agree that this tutorial is intended for educational purposes only and the author can not be held liable for any kind of damages done whatsoever to your machine, or damages caused by some other,creative application of this tutorial.
In any case you disagree with the above statement,stop here.

Pre - Requisites
  1. Ollydbg  - download it from here
  2. Resource Hacker (required only if you want to add frills to it)
  3. A patch Creator ( I will be using Code fusion this time)
  4. PC and lots of free time

Step 1 – The Cracking

For the sake of cracking, I will be using Winrar 3.71 (Its the one I have legit license for) but the technique will be applicable for subsequent versions. You need to find the memory address which causes the nag screen and then patch it up.I have performed the cracking on Windows XP virtual machine .
First of all,make a backup of winrar.exe , name it as "Winrar Original.exe" and Open it in OllyDBG.

Open Winrar.exe in Ollydbg -

After you have opened it, find the memory location of the Reminder dialog as I explained last time in my previous tutorial using HDASM. Once you have found it , press Ctrl + G in OllyDBG and it will say
"Enter Expression to follow"
In this case it will be 43FF47
and hit enter.

Go to the memory address -

OllyDbg will lead you to the pointer and as you can see clearly, this is the pointer that causes the Reminder Nag screen. We need to patch it up :)

Find the pointer  --

To patch it up, right click the address and
go to –> Binary –> Fill with NOPs
Fill it with NOPs - -

Once done, it will look like this

Once done, it looks like this -

Once you have done that, then we need to copy the changes to a separate executable file.To do this,right click on the highlighted NOPs and
go to –> Copy To Executable –> All Modifications
Now copy all the changes to executable - -
Then click on copy all

Click on "copy all" - -

and It will be copied to a separate executable

The changes will be copied, save and exit - -

Save it as a separate exe file and exit OllyDbg. Congrats, you have cracked Winrar. The Title bar will still show evaluation copy but will NEVER show the "Reminder" to register Winrar.

Step 2 – Spicing up the EXE
Now U have a 100% working version of EXE, you might want to change your registration information in WinRAR. To do this, you can use Resource hacker. Please note that I will not be following this step, this stpe is for your information only.
We need to change registration info -

Launch Resource Hacker, load the copyofwinrar.exe in it

Use resource hacker and open the file -

Now go to DIALOG –> Expand tree –> ABOUTRARDLG and click it. Now Find Trial copy line and replace it with your favorite one :P

make changes and compile them -

and click on Compile Script button.
yup..thats the final result -

Now save the file with any name on your desktop or any location what so ever.


Now you have a fully patched WinRAR.exe file :)) Save it as Winrar Cracked.exe . Now you can either use it, or also can distribute it like a real cracker. If you want to learn that, move on to next step.

Step 3 – Creating a working Patch Using CodeFusion
Code Fusion is a simple but powerful patch creator and I will be using it to crate a working patch to crack winrar. By now you have 2 Winrar files – "Winrar Original.exe" and "Winrar Cracked.exe" . Launch CodeFusion by double clicking on it.

Codefusion - simple but powerful patch creator -

Insert you credentials :) and Click next.

Insert your credits :) -

In the next screen, right click on the Files to Patch panel and click on "Add File"

Add file - -

Add "Winrar Original.exe" to it and click OK.

Locate original file - -

Now Right click on Data to Patch panel and Click on Add Data

Add data -

Click on "File Compare"

Click on File COmpare - -

Now First locate original Winrar file, then locate cracked file. Click on "Compare" button and then click "OK"

Compare the file and get results - -

Once you have done that, you will see that the data difference between 2 executables will be shown there. Please note that I have NOT PATCHED THE FILE USING RESOURCE HACKER, I M PATCHING USING SIMPLE CRACKED FILE WITH NO CHANGE IN REGISTRATION SECTION. Click on next.

you can see the difference - -

Once done, you can save your patch by clicking on Make Win32 Executable, saving it and clicking on Finish.

Save your crack - -

Your patch will look like this

Here is your crack - -

Locate the original file and click on Start and check if it works..Mine works :)

and it works :) - -

Congrats..You have successfully cracked Winrar and have made a great patch for it :) Experiment and learn…and Dont forget the ground rule –
In the mean time..Have a look at my MGS2 run..I love that game :)

My MGS2 run -

Keep Learning..

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