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Tech Mania

Android market crosses the 50,000 app mark reports AndroLib

Posted: 25 Apr 2010 03:57 AM PDT

Android crossed a new milestone yesterday as Android market crossed the 50,000 app and games mark reports from AndroLib.If your don’t know AndroLib is one of the biggest market trackers out there and monitors over 10 separate marketplaces in addition to the main one.So what they have done is they have tracked the total number of application and games in the market,amount of applications and games which come out every month and also by day in the Android market.
In addition to these they have made a analysis of how many applications come out in a day from the different places of origin with languages like the English US, French, Spanish, Italian , German , English UK, Netherlands , China , Japan, Czech and Russian.Head over to Androlib to check out the stats respectively.If you could remember 10,000 apps were cranked out in less than a month, as exactly 4 weeks ago it crossed the 40,000 mark, and, as you can see, the progress has been excellent.

50014 apps 300x41 Android market crosses the 50,000 app mark reports AndroLib

stats Android market crosses the 50,000 app mark reports AndroLib

total apps Android market crosses the 50,000 app mark reports AndroLib

AndroLib is often accused of having higher numbers than other sites. When reached for a comment, Etienne from the AndroLib team had this to say to us:
It is rarely mentioned but Androlib covers over 10 markets and therefore also lists applications unfound in other sites.
Honestly, we cannot guarantee we have everything but we think we are doing a pretty good job at it. Our number is high as some applications might have been taken out of the market. We count everything that has ever been added to the market. Updates do not count towards the overall number obviously.
On the rating front, nothing is added manually. All the ratings are the phone ratings.
At this rate the Marketplace is growing  it should reach 100,000 applications by sometime in September.Nevertheless, congratulations to Android and Google on this another great feat !

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