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bug I.T. s - Technology News and Updates

Outlook Social Connector: Another milestone for Networking Service

Posted: 18 Feb 2010 06:08 PM PST

Another set of feature will be added to Microsoft Outlook 2010 Beta, the Outlook Social Connector. And of course, what do you expect? of those buzzing moments, status here and there, pictures upload, tweets, what else? hmm plurking features, since its networking, of course building your own Network. My question, is this Microsoft move, another threat of number one online social networking site? the facebook? I bet not!

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Outlook Social Connector or OSC provides you the ff:

  • The People Pane A name, picture, and title for your colleagues whenever reading a message from them.
  • Rich history See a rich communications history for each person that sends you messages with one-click access to the most recent messages and attachments.
  • Activities Download and see real-time activity for your colleagues from business and social networks.
  • Get friendly Request someone as a colleague or friend with one click. Synchronize those colleagues with Outlook and keep them up-to-date as their information changes.
  • SharePoint 2010 Connect to the new MySite social networking experience right out of the box with the OSC & SharePoint 2010.
  • Extensible A public SDK allows anyone to build a connection to business or consumer social networks.

As of now, I am still in the stage of exploring Outlook 2007, but here comes 2010 version, I can't wait to work with it! rock!