Tech Mania

Tech Mania

Search Google, Bing and Yahoo in single click

Posted: 30 Dec 2009 02:43 AM PST

Do you rely on Google search for most of your search results.Do you feel it gives you what you wanted in the first page of Search page.Do you feel Bing can overtake Google and compete with Yahoo.Here is one website named GooHooBi which lets who search all the 3 search engines and gives you a chance to compare the results.I feel the results of Bing and yahoo are comparatively similar unlike Google.It also gives a option to preview the page too.So do check out if you want compare and see which gives more accurate results.

search compare 250x206 Search Google, Bing and Yahoo in single click

 Search Google, Bing and Yahoo in single click

Upload files to Dropbox via Email with MailDrop

Posted: 29 Dec 2009 07:19 AM PST

Dropbox is a cloud based file sharing/upload service which offers users to upload, access, and share files from any computer or between computers.Suppose you want to share a file or folder with some friend over Instant Messenger(IM) or want to share a file with other users on the forum quickly then you can make use of DropBox.

To make it convenient for you to move/copy files & folder on dropbox public folder to share with other friends you can do this in two ways.I’ll just brief you how you can achieve this.You can make use of Dropbox Public which adds a shortcut to send to context menu or by making use of Dropbox plugin where you would need to just drag the file to upload and it gets uploaded to dropbox public folder.

How to use Dropbox Public

  • Download Dropdown public app and then extract it to folder and double click on the  dropbox-public.exe
  • It will ask if you want to add it in "Send To" explorer context menu, select Yes to add it and select No to remove it.

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  • Now simply right-click the file(s) or folder(s), go to Send To, and select Dropbox-Public (zipped) or Dropbox-Public.

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  • It will then ask you to enter your Dropbox database ID. What is database id? It is explained in the dialog window screenshot below.

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  • Once you enter it, choose the Dropbox/Public folder. In this folder the file will be saved and then automatically get uploaded to Dropbox. When the upload is complete, you will be notified about it via the system tray icon.

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It works on Windows XP, Windows Vista, and Windows 7.Other app is by the name Dropbox Plugin.To share files just drag one file, or more on DropBoxPlugin.exe. & files will be automatically copied into your DropBox public folder, auto-synchronized and URL for these files will be put in clipboard.When the files and folders are uploaded, the link to access them is automatically copied to your Windows clipboard, thus the user only has to paste it and start sharing it with friends.

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Now what is missing is the ability to email.MailDrop is an application that expands the scope of Dropbox to the inbox. Now you can upload files to Dropbox by email. Any emails with the label 'Dropbox' will automatically be sent to the 'MailDrop' folder in your Dropbox. Now files can be put on Dropbox from your mobile device or from any computer without having to login to Dropbox.MailDrop has a great advantage when compared with traditional methods of uploading files to Dropbox.
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MailDrop needs to be running on your main desktop computer, it will check your email account for all emails that have been labeled as 'Dropbox' and automatically send the attached files to the 'MailDrop' folder inside the main 'My Dropbox' folder.It works with all email services that supports IMAP, but has been tested extensively on Gmail. In Gmail, folders are referred to as labels, so anything with the label 'Dropbox' will be downloaded.Make use of the free space with coolness.
 Upload files to Dropbox via Email with MailDrop

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