PROHACK - TOP 7 Must Read Articles at PROHACK - 2009 Reviewed

PROHACK - TOP 7 Must Read Articles at PROHACK – 2009 Reviewed

TOP 7 Must Read Articles at PROHACK – 2009 Reviewed

As 2009 goes away, its time to review what I did on PROHACK..and share the best of stuff with you folks again. I believeProhack - Your technology Navigator  these articles are a must read if you have been a regular here,and double if you are not. Prohack has gotten better with you guys and it was not possible without you..SO..Here are the Top 7 Must read articles at PROHACK -

Create a Zip Bomb of Deathuntitleddsa[13]

A zip bomb is usually a small file (up to a few hundred kilobytes) for ease of transport and to avoid suspicion. However, when the file is unpacked its contents are more than the system can handle.You can make your own zip bomb to annoy your friends or just out of curiosity (or wilderness) to experiment with it. Make sure you don't detonate it on yourself.

How to Hack Administrator from Guest Account Hack admin account from guest account

Ever wanted to hack your college pc with guest account/student account so that you can download with full speed there ? or just wanted to hack your friend's pc to make him gawk when you tell your success story of hacking ? well,there is a great way of hacking an administrator account from a guest account by which you can reset the  administrator password and getting all the privileges an administrator enjoys on windows..Interested ?

Hack PHP 4.4 websites in 20 seconds Hack PHP 4.4 sites in 20 seconds

Actually sites with PHP 4.4 have a SQL injection vulnerability in them which makes their Admin control panel easily accessible,and I mean in one big shot,you will be admin of that site.

Top 10 Tips to optimize your website Top 10 web seo tips

Making a website is easy,but making it survive through the Wild Wild Web is quite a formidable task. I have seen many potential websites crumble and vanish through the web in a short span of time,and today I will be sharing my knowledge with you. I have followed the 10 simple rules which have allowed me to get the love of my readers in such a short time and have made ProHack more than a name in the web..Read them and follow them.

Top 10 Anticipated games of 2009Top 10 anticipated games of 2009

2009 proved to be a great year for gaming and the developers wants to keep the roller coaster ride of top releases keep going with extremely hyped games by the top dogs of gaming. The list is compiled on the factors on how much is known about the game,how incredible it looks the current user reviews,and the following big boys made it on the top 10 most anticipated games of 2009.

Hack LG KG195 for Increased Feature Hack LG KG 195

I used to have an LG KG195,an average mobile by LG electronics. A modest mobile with modest features,it has got Bluetooth, a basic media player and a VGA camera. However I soon got bored of this set and decided to tweak it to make it a more desirable device.Learn how to hack LG devices..

Top 10 LINUX speed hacksTop 10 Linux Speed hacks

As an extremely reliable Operating system, Linux  rarely needs to be rebooted. But when it does, it's often slow to boot.Loads of Matrix style lines scrolling down the screen are sure to drive nuts added with boot time of GUI  initialization.. Fortunately, there are ways to speed things up. Some of these methods are not terribly difficult. (although some, unfortunately, are). Let's take a look at Top 10 Speed hacks of Linux and let your linux box reincarnate with speed. 

Bonus -

Resident Evil 5 – An Honest ReviewRE5 - an Honest Review

Resident Evil 5 was one of the most hyped games of this generation and was prominently featured in various Top 10  Lists. The incredible amount of hype it generated was contributed to the long development period,the over the top gorgeous looking trailers,gory in game footage and just the plain curiosity,whether it will be able to surpass its legendary predecessor or not..

5 Type Of Virus Writers 5 Type of virus writers

Whilst stumbling on the net,I found this humorous description of 5 types of virus writers written by an actual hacker.I really loved the overall tone of the article and thought its worthy to share it with you guys..Enjoy.


Happy new year..


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