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Tech Mania

TwInbox to manage twitter from Outlook

Posted: 08 Dec 2009 02:28 AM PST

Twinbox to manage twitter from Outlook
You might be a twitter addict and you might be using a varying number of clients to manage your twitter account to get the latest news and to keep in touch with your buddies.What happens if in case say your office or workplace you are not allowed to install 3rd party twitter clients then what to do ? If Microsoft Outlook is what you use in your work place then, with this tiny application, TwInbox, you can actually direct your Twitter message to Microsoft Outlook and use Microsoft Outlook to update, receive, reply, search and archive your Twitter messages conveniently.
The emergence of TwInbox, a free Microsoft Outlook add-on empowers Twitter users to consolidate their Twitter messages via Microsoft Outlook.Once this application is installed, users can optionally create a new folder in their inbox to download their Twitter messages. Users need to do some basic settings, like inputting your Twitter user name and password to establish the connection to user's Twitter account. After the connection is established, users can use their Microsoft Outlook to send/receive Twitter messages without the necessity to log in to Twitter.
Twitter enthusiasts can download this free Microsoft Outlook plug-in, TwInbox,(
Some of the TwInbox features include:
Updating user's Twitter status directly from Outlook
Receive friends' updates in Outlook
Archive, manage, group and search users' tweets the same way they manage their email
Search, track keywords. TwInbox will automatically download ALL tweets matching the keywords users specify, even if users are not following the tweet sender. This feature is perfect for keeping up to date with the Twitter buzz on their name, brand, interests, etc
Group tweets by sender, topic, etc using the Search feature
Upload and post picture files and Outlook email attachments
See new tweets at a glance
Assign custom folder and categories to new messages
Use Outlook's "Reply" and "ReplyAll" commands to send twitter direct messages and @replies
Automatically sort new tweets into per-sender folders
Shorten URLs with tinyurl
See graphs of users' Twitter usage statistics
Tweets sent to users (@replies and direct) are marked with high importance

You might be a twitter addict and you might be using a varying number of clients to manage your twitter account to get the latest news and to keep in touch with your buddies.What happens if,  in case say your office or workplace you are not allowed to install 3rd party twitter clients then what to do ? If Microsoft Outlook is what you use in your work place then, with this tiny application, TwInbox, you can actually direct your Twitter message to Microsoft Outlook and use Microsoft Outlook to update, receive, reply, search and archive your Twitter messages conveniently.

The emergence of TwInbox, a free Microsoft Outlook add-on empowers Twitter users to consolidate their Twitter messages via Microsoft Outlook.Once this application is installed, users can optionally create a new folder in their inbox to download their Twitter messages. Users need to do some basic settings, like inputting your Twitter user name and password to establish the connection to user's Twitter account. After the connection is established, users can use their Microsoft Outlook to send/receive Twitter messages without the necessity to log in to Twitter.

Twitter enthusiasts can download this free Microsoft Outlook plug-in, TwInbox,

Some of the TwInbox features include:

  • Updating user's Twitter status directly from Outlook
  • Receive friends' updates in Outlook
  • Archive, manage, group and search users' tweets the same way they manage their email
  • Search, track keywords. TwInbox will automatically download ALL tweets matching the keywords users specify, even if users are not following the tweet sender. This feature is perfect for keeping up to date with the Twitter buzz on their name, brand, interests, etc
  • Group tweets by sender, topic, etc using the Search feature
  • Upload and post picture files and Outlook email attachments
  • See new tweets at a glance
  • Assign custom folder and categories to new messages
  • Use Outlook's "Reply" and "ReplyAll" commands to send twitter direct messages and @replies
  • Automatically sort new tweets into per-sender folders
  • Shorten URLs with tinyurl
  • See graphs of users' Twitter usage statistics
  • Tweets sent to users (@replies and direct) are marked with high importance
 TwInbox to manage twitter from Outlook

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