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bug I.T. s - Technology News and Updates

Top 20 Best Cebu Blogs of 2009

Posted: 19 Dec 2009 12:22 PM PST

Out of 76 outstanding Cebu Bloggers, the judges have decided and ripped down the number to 20. The same criteria for judging was used. But before the top 20 list of Best Cebu Blogs of 2009. The organizer would like to thanks Prince Ryan Gilig for designing the official Badge of BCB 2009.

Note: Please do not grab this badge, this is intended
for the official top 10 Best Cebu Blogs of 2009.

Top 20 Best Cebu Blogs of 2009 are the following, in no particular order:

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Kevin Ray N. Chua
Cebu Festivals - The different festivals in Cebu Philippines.
iBeejing.com | Get A Life!
Shutter Guru
McBilly dot com on Blogging, Technology, and Self Improvement!
Adventures & Piggin Out of a Cebuano Nomad!
Hungit Cebu
d'MusicBox | we're BLARING through your Monitors and Speakers!
EMPRESSOFDRAC.COM, Agnes Embile Jimenez's Official Website
CEBU: Celebrations. Eats. Bargains. Updates
Cebu Events, Festivals, Latest Music and Technology, Celebrities and Controversys
My Name is Hope
www.tianexxtreme.com | The Extrimist's Adventures
Vernon Go's Frustrated Life
PINOYWORLD Philippines | Pinoy Blogger's Official Blog
Sinjin's House
The Extraordinary Kiddo
time waits for no one..
Cebu's Kiatan | Blogging Queen City Philippines CEBU

For the Final 10, it will be announced on December 28, 2009 (Monday) and they will receive freebies, certificates and BCB official badge. A specific rating of each top 10 finalists will be defined by the judges using the same criteria. The top 20 listed above are automatically the finalists for top 10 Best Cebu Blog of 2009.

The organizer would like to thank our judges, for their full time support most especially to Nancy who did the judging very early in the morning. To the Top 20, Congratulations and way to go.