PROHACK - Microsoft addon blocked by Firefox

PROHACK - Microsoft addon blocked by Firefox

Microsoft addon blocked by Firefox

Last Friday Mozilla blocked one of Microsoft's sneaky addons that put end user security at stake.The addon,dubbed as the usual suspect...".NET Framework Assistant" and a plug-in named "Windows Presentation Foundation" -- have been blocked by Mozilla  as a precautionary measure, said Mike Shaver, the company's head of engineering.These addons installed without any permission and may be manipulated by malicious users to code their way into the browser and infiltrate the system(Who knows a botnet may be well under a way..anyway?),even their Internet Explorer 8 had the same built in flaw.The addon was notable for its annoying removal and had been infiltrating firefox since Microsoft pushed them out with the .NET Framework 3.5 Service Pack 1 (SP1) update in February this year.Until or unless some registry hacking was employed,this addon was impossible to remove entirely.As the folks at Mozilla cant fix the software,the safest way they can go on with was to block it,which they already did on Friday.

Later Microsoft released a patch which will counter the vulnerability,you can download it here.

Mozilla have been aggressive for the security for their users and have been making sure that 3rd party addons are secure and will enforce it more effectively with the release of Firefox 3.6 (Beta slated to be released on wednesday) which will actively notify user when they will visit a site which relies on vulnerable and outdated addons.



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