Machines that go Bing!: Andrew Chase’s mechanical cheetah stalks the underworld

Machines that go Bing!: Andrew Chase’s mechanical cheetah stalks the underworld

Andrew Chase’s mechanical cheetah stalks the underworld

Posted: 09 Jul 2009 09:09 AM PDT

Designer Andrew Chase is already knows for his mechanical animals through his Timmy underworld project and the latest addition to his collection is this stunning-looking robotic cheetah.

Mechanical Cheetah

The Cheetah will join other mechanical animals, a giraffe and elephant, in the collection that stalk the imaginary ‘Timmy’ underworld created by Andrew Chase who says:

Before I started this latest project, I promised myself that this time, things will be different. I shall remember history, I will learn from the excesses of  my past. I will build it small, I will build it light, and above all, I will build it quickly. I failed on all three counts. Dismally. Ah well, as the great sage Dirty Harry often said, “a man’s got to know his limitations.”

The cheetah measures 24″ high and 50″ nose to tail and weighs about 40 pounds. She took about 60 hours, spaced over 10 weeks time, to build. She’s constructed out of electrical conduit, transmission parts and 20-gauge steel.

Th following youTube movie shows the sculpture animated to look like a robotic cheetah running.

More mechanical cheetah pictures below:

Mechanical Cheetah

Mechanical Cheetah

Mechanical Cheetah

Mechanical Cheetah

[via bornrich]

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