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Esoft New software update

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Celestia 1.6.0: Traveling through the universe with this three-dimensional planetary

Posted: 08 Jul 2009 02:01 AM PDT

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Screen shot Celestia 1.6.0

Celestia 1.6.0 is a 3D emulator of the Solar System in real time. The interface is easily adapted for selecting the object you wish to visit. Be able to zoom in and zoom out of the site and explore virtual planets in the Solar System.

If you are fascinated by astronomy that we are sure you will love Celestia 1.6.0.

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AkelPad 4.2.5: Replaces the traditional Windows Notepad

Posted: 08 Jul 2009 01:48 AM PDT

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Screen shot AkelPad 4.2.5

AkelPad 4.2.5 text editor is designed to be lightweight and fast. He has the ability to handle large files (no limits on size) and those with an attribute "Read Only", supports hot keys added and embedded search engine. AkelPad 4.2.5 automatically detects and works with multiple encodings, supports plugins, transparency, print, language modules, and others.

If you're tired of the Windows Notepad, you can replace it with this simple application.

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Gnumeric 1.9.9: Spreadsheet used to manipulate, process and analyze numerical data

Posted: 08 Jul 2009 12:27 AM PDT

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Screen shot Gnumeric 1.9.9

Gnumeric 1.9.9 programs intended to create spreadsheets. With Gnumeric 1.9.9 can import and export spreadsheets in many popular formats. More than 150 functions that do not use in Microsoft Excel is a big plus for Gnumeric 1.9.9 to create diagrams, graphs, we will do a text format, wstawimy lines, geometric objects, pictures, links, and many others.

Gnumeric 1.9.9 is a spreadsheet used to manipulate, process and analyze numerical data. Could be considered as a Pocket Excel targeted specifically to numeracy and mathematics. The program can read files created with other existing spreadsheets, and allows you to configure almost all aspects of their graphics, so the cost of the transition of programs known to be the smallest possible Gnumeric 1.9.9.

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Mozilla Firefox 3.0.12 build 1 Candidates: Testing browsing with Firefox and class, tabs and all sorts of amenities

Posted: 08 Jul 2009 12:18 AM PDT

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Screen shot Mozilla Firefox 3.0.12 build 1 Candidates

Released the latest version of excellent web browser Mozilla Firefox 3.0.12 build 1 Candidates. These new version is faster, lighter, more stable and has more amenities, and above all more secure. You are welcome to download and share experiences in the comments.

Mozilla Firefox 3.0.12 build 1 Candidates is a browser that offers a serious alternative to extended"Internet Explorer. Consider the advantages.

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CrystalDiskInfo 3.0.0 Alpha 2: Controls the health status of your hard drive

Posted: 07 Jul 2009 11:49 PM PDT

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Screen shot CrystalDiskInfo 3.0.0 Alpha 2

CrystalDiskInfo 3.0.0 Alpha 2 is a tool that analyzes your hard drive and tells you your temperature and if they are in good condition, along with other information such as firmware, serial number, the interface type and size.

Can be placed in the system tray and analyze the disk or disks from time to time. As a result of the checks, you get graphics that will be very useful to understand the evolution of temperature and hours of operation.

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Tux Paint 0.9.21: To give children their first strokes

Posted: 07 Jul 2009 06:47 PM PDT

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Screen shot Tux Paint 0.9.21

If you want your child to enjoy drawing and also serves to drive a bit to learn the PC, choose a program like Tux Paint 0.9.21.

This free program is designed so that the child understands and can demonstrate without fear, scribble, erase, color, and all things as a child that comes to mind. The advantage is the saving of paper and paints and stains less.

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SmoothDraw 3.1.4: Powerful utility for drawing and image editing

Posted: 07 Jul 2009 06:37 PM PDT

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Screen shot SmoothDraw 3.1.4

Do you feel a Velazquez, a Dali or a Picasso in your interior? Well, no more cuts and give you free rein to all your artistic power with SmoothDraw, a complete drawing tool for your PC.

Do not miss a single tool: pencils, brushes, airbrushes, markers, watercolor, graffiti ... all kinds of elements that mimic the texture perfection, management and outcome of various painting utilities.

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NolaPro Free Web Accounting 4.0.4666: Manage and take control and accounting of our business

Posted: 07 Jul 2009 06:20 PM PDT

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Screen shot NolaPro Free Web Accounting 4.0.4666

NolaPro Free Web Accounting 4.0.4666 Free Accounting is a Web suite (software package) for free, web based, to manage and take control and accounting of our business.

This massive application includes all standard accounting modules as well as orders of orders, inventory control, bills, debts, etc. Deserve special mention plugins or plugins for electronic commerce, retail outlets or websites of business to business. The functionality to power.

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RonyaSoft PDF Printer 1.01.03: Virtual printer software that lets users create documents in PDF format from virtually any application that runs on Windows

Posted: 07 Jul 2009 05:56 PM PDT

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Screen shot RonyaSoft PDF Printer 1.01.03

What exactly is the software RonyaSoft PDF Printer 1.01.03? This is a virtual printer software that lets users create documents in PDF format from virtually any application that runs on Windows. PDF files are produced, may also be searched, maintain the quality of vector graphics and also are fully compatible with Adobe Acrobat Reader.

Is this software difficult to use? The answer is: Absolutely not. If you are capable enough to make prints on a printer and ordinary, in the same way you can create documents in PDF format. Simply open the document you need, print it to PDF creator and also specify the path where you saved the new file format from Adobe.
And in this way their own paper in PDF format will be ready!

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Networx 4.9.9: Helpful statistics and tools to control your connection

Posted: 07 Jul 2009 05:40 PM PDT

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Screen shot Networx 4.9.9

Check the connection using the command line is not very entertaining. A graphical environment can turn control of the connection into something more pleasant.

Networx 4.9.9 is a suite of programs that can monitor in detail the behavior of your Internet connection. All modules are accessible from the icon in the notification area.

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