Steelwedge Software

Steelwedge Software

8 More S&OP How-To’s with Lora Cecere

Posted: 14 Jun 2012 09:01 AM PDT

  Ed. note: This is the second in our two part Q&A with Lora Cecere, founder of Supply Chain Insights and the Supply Chain Shaman blog. In our May webinar, Lora unveiled the results of a new study on supply chain agility and the role of S&OP in improving an organization’s response capabilities. Following the webinar, Lora took a few questions from the audience but we weren’t able to get through all of them during the session. We threw out a Short-Answer challenge…and boy did she respond! -R What are the main problems when using Excel spreadsheets to enable the S&OP process? The models lack the depth to effectively model the trade-offs of the supply chain effective frontier. What is best collaboration and decision making model for a global sales and operations business? It depends on your maturity, industry requirements and the scope of operations.  We would need to know more. What is the best way for an organization to start an S&OP process? Define a supply chain strategy and start by modeling your effective frontier.  Implement APS tools to develop a feasible plan. What would be your biggest suggestion to someone new to this field? Thank you! Educate. Educate.… Read the rest