Witty Sparks

Witty Sparks

Enhance your experience of listening to Music with Snakes!

Posted: 14 May 2012 11:12 AM PDT

Snakes will allow you to experience the music in a different fashion, sounds crazy?
Yes you heard it right!
Snakes is a set of speakers which was conceptualized and designed by Junonna Trotsiuk which comes with exceptional features to make music come alive. They are available to us in large, medium and small sizes to suit your needs and your room. These are both a set and individually available. Your free to choose either way.

Portable speakers "Snakes" by Junonna Trotsiuk

Portable speakers "Snakes" by Junonna Trotsiuk

The best thing about these speakers is that they come with built in microphones. It can be put to best use at the time of conferences. After a description of this wonderful device I'll leave you with a note from the designer Junonna Trotsiuk who says:
"The main feature of the columns is that they easily transform as you like. You can rotate each segment about its axis by 360 degrees and still they have a good sound to 360 degrees. This adds functionality and entertainment."

Source: Louder than a Snake's Hiss

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