Steelwedge Software

Steelwedge Software

Raise a Cup of Kindness

Posted: 31 Dec 2011 09:28 AM PST

As we exit another wild, unpredictable year filled with economic, political and environmental upheaval—resulting in changes wrought of inspiration, desperation and perspiration, a virtual salute. Indeed, as a global community there is much to be lauded, much to be learned and much to be leery from 2011. Cultural revolutions from the Middle East to Wall Street to Main Street; regional economic fissures, that have produced a global network of fiscal fault lines; and a heaping helping of Mother Nature's wrath have both threatened and united us. It is the same in our industry, where finance, sales and operations teams are increasingly aligning to better recognize, respond and recalibrate to these same global dynamics. We are all learning the lessons of better alignment and agility in our ability to thrive. Like it or not, VUCA (volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity), is our "new normal." Nassim Nicholas Taleb, the author of one of my favorite books, The Black Swan, explores the idea that an event—positive or negative—that is deemed improbable, like the appearance of a Black Swan, can cause massive consequences. I am inspired by what I've seen in 2011 from our customers, from our peers and from our Steelwedge team in approaching and resolving their own Black Swans. I've seen 100-year-old businesses face recession-driven loss in demand, and realign to come out tighter, stronger and better; I've seen consumer electronics powerhouses stare down the reality of ever-shortening product lifecycles with laser-focus on smart new product development; I've seen a Phoenix rise from the ashes of the automotive industry through powerful focus and improved management; I've seen manufacturers rebound after losing a supplier of 90% of a core part in the devastating tsunami; and I've seen hard choices made clearer, and sooner with better empirical…