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bug I.T. s - Technology News and Updates

How To: Facebook Chat with Friend’s Picture or thumbnail

Posted: 26 Dec 2011 11:32 AM PST

Honestly, I am a super fan of Facebook due to its features ,from messaging, security and of course it's chat! And just recently, Facebook Chat went way better than yesterday when developers embedded our Facebook friends' profile picture or thumbnail in our very own chat. Yes, we canactually put a thumbnail of our friends' profile picture during a chat session.

Here's how:

  1.   Initiate a Chat to a friend.
  2. During your chat session, when you want to showa thumbnail of a certain friend, just get your friend's profile id or name(example, my facebook URL is www.facebook.com/bugits, so take the word bugits – this is the Profile ID)
  3.  Now copy the profile id or name and paste itinside double brackets. Example is [[bugits]]
  4. You can now see your friend's profile picture'sthumnail in chat. This can also be applied to Facebook Pages.

What do you think about this new gimmick? Speak up in belowcomment box ^_^