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Google Music is now up

Posted: 16 Nov 2011 03:13 PM PST

Attempting the scene in music store and cloud music storage space from leading iTunes and Amazon, Google Music was brought into the Public on Wednesday during its Android Event at Los Angeles.

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Uploading Files

Just like the above "BIGGIE" of music store market, Google Music lets you upload your music files but first, you need to download the Music Manager. This software gives you an easy way of managing your music files and uploading them to Google Music site.

Furthermore, you can also download your music files via the Music Manager.

Shop from Android Market

In addition, Android Users can shop from the market and saved it to Google Music.


Google Music site's interface is simple. Just like the common site, you can see the My Library Tab in the left-most part of the website.

Search Box is located in the header part for ease of use.

The Music control box or panel is located in the lowest part of the site with 6 controls embedded on it (Previous Song, Play, Next Song, Shuffle Songs, Repeat Songs, Volume)

As of now, Google Music Store is available only in the United States.