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SMART offers Free Facebook Access, an upgrade on Sun's Facebook 0?

Posted: 17 Jul 2011 06:38 PM PDT

I was not able to get the official announcement of Smart's Free Facebook Application in all Java-enabled mobile phones, but thanks to CBT for his post on "Update on SMART Free Facebook Access through Mobile App for Java" - I get updated!

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Anyways, this free Facebook Access of Smart is allegedly an update or upgrade of Sun Celullar's 0.facebook.com. This was believed after PLDT acquired Sun's telecommunication company, Digitel. But anyway around, as long as the consumers benefit its major changes, this application is a go-go for everyone. For the record, this Facebook App is not just for all SMART users out there, it just happened that Smart earlier announced its support to this free Facebook service. There would be no surprise if Globe Telecommunications will release its confirmation for the support of the same service.

SMART Users, Eyes Here!

See details below from CTB, a message sent exclusively to CTB author:

Download and use of all Facebook services within the Facebook Mobile App for Java are FREE for Smart subscribers from Jul 15 to Oct 14, 2011.

However, please take note that clicking on any URL or 3rd party services (e.g. Snapstore) will lead you out of the application. Thus, usual data charges apply. You should have at least P1.00 maintaining balance to use the app. The app may be downloaded by sending FB to 211. Subscribers will receive text confirmation containing the download link of the app.

Also, they may click on the Facebook Mobile Application link in the Smart WAP site. Hope this helps.

bugITs Experience

Eventually, I was not able to maximize the use of the said to be free 5 days internet access to this Nokia X2 bundle with limited Smart sim. I got disconnected after the 2nd day of usage and lost my load after then. But still, thank you to Smart for this new Free Facebook Access.

Better than 0.facebook.com? Yes, a very big yes! In this new Facebook Free Access, you can actually browse and see all Photos you have and your friends are having in their respective profiles. And its free from Charges! Update your status in realtime!

In respect to GUI (Graphical User's Interface), this Facebook Application is a younger version for Facebook Application for Android Phones. You can actually send and upload photos without getting any charge. Photos are uploaded to your album entitled Snaptu Uploads.

Its Home screen is composed of 11 icons; News Feed, Inbox, Requests, Notifications, Events, Photos, friends, Profile, Find Friends, Search and Apps. I bet everybody knows their functions. Furthermore, easy browsing is guaranteed.

At least, I now have an alternative way of accessing facebook in case there is no wi-fi access points for my Samsung Galaxy Mini. Kudos to Smart! How is Globe doing so far?