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bug I.T. s - Technology News and Updates

Google Plus: How to Invite Friends by Email?

Posted: 09 Jul 2011 08:47 PM PDT

Days after the launching of Google Plus to selected invitees, I was able to make my own account and started adding my Facebook's friends to my Circle of Friends.

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So if you need help in inviting your friends through email, check below instruction.

1. In Google Plus, Click on the Circles button located at the top of the page:

2. Once in Circles, Click on "Find and Invite", as shown below:

3. Click the "Add a new person" button:

4. Enter the email address of the person you want to add in the Circle.

5. Now click the Add "@domain.com" by email

6. Type in the owner's name of the email address, choose where to add him/her into Circle (Friends, family, Acquaintances and Following) and click Save

Then let your friend wait for the generated email by Google Plus team.

As of now, invitation took days to be received by your friend but I believe Gplus team has something to do about it.

Enjoy Google Plus and let us start encircling our friends!