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6 Creative and Cool Car Sunshades.

Posted: 28 Dec 2010 05:36 AM PST

When you have these creative and cool car sunshades to opt for, then why going for regular ones.

Centraal Beheer Insurance Sunshade: Centraal Beheer insurance company wanted to promote their car insurance, but the budget was limited so the use of traditional media wasn't possible. DDB Amsterdam, Netherlands came up with this creative idea to promote the car insurance; winner of Bronze Eurobest Winner created lots of goodwill for the company, besides the company received huge number of phone calls requesting information on car insurance.

6 Creative and Cool Car Sunshades (6) 1Paparazzi magazine Sunshade: On it's 5th birthday Paparazzi magazine and Publicis Graffiti Argentina placed these sunshades in all the cars parked in the most popular night places in Buenos Aires, where paparazzi always are looking for exclusive photos.

6 Creative and Cool Car Sunshades (6) 2Fiat Sunshade Map: Created for Fiat's navigation system, this custom car sunshade looks like a map held by a lost driver

6 Creative and Cool Car Sunshades (6) 3Millennium Falcon Sunshade: This Millennium Falcon shade features Han, Chewy, Skywalker and Obi-Wan.

6 Creative and Cool Car Sunshades (6) 4Windows Sunshade:

6 Creative and Cool Car Sunshades (6) 5Juice Box Sunshade: Create your own sunshade by collecting empty juice boxes and sewing them.

6 Creative and Cool Car Sunshades (6) 6Other Posts:
15 Creative and Cool Bed Designs.
20 Creative and Cool Fork Designs.
18 Creative and Cool Tent Designs.
18 Creative and Cool Cutlery Designs.
20 Creative and Modern Vase Designs.
9 Creative And Cool Creations Made Of Chopsticks.