Tech Mania

Tech Mania

Windows Phone 7 hitting Verizon stores ‘this holiday season,’ according to Microsoft tweet

Posted: 21 Nov 2010 03:26 AM PST

You remember when Microsoft was seeking to launch its Windows phone 7 with the carrier Verizon – the big Red.Today the official Windows Phone Twitter feed claims that Windows Phone 7 devices are finally headed to Verizon. They’ll allegedly arrive this holiday season which is pretty earlier when Verizon had said they wont be selling windows phone 7 until 2011.

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Now if you see the above image the word “devices” does suggest more than one phone, and those of you warily eying your local retailer’s choice of Christmas lights could even argue that “this holiday season” has already begun. So when, exactly, will we get these handsets… and which ones?

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The original entry hasn’t been pulled, but there’s a brand-new tweet now, reading “Verizon is a valued partner and we look forward to seeing Windows Phone 7 devices in their stores in 2011,”.Verizon have not responded yet though will update if I get some more info

Windows Phone 7 hitting Verizon stores ‘this holiday season,’ according to Microsoft tweet is a post from: Tech Mania