PRO HACK - Windows 3.1 on Android - “Completely Useless” but cool :)

PRO HACK - Windows 3.1 on Android – "Completely Useless" but cool :)

Windows 3.1 on Android – "Completely Useless" but cool :)

On one hand Microsoft has been releasing and updating its smartphone operating systems, geeks are going the other way  by porting windows on their respective iPhone's and Android based phones. On an earlier note, a Norwegian developer named Erik Kristiansen developed the first "boot camp" (later turned out to be a hoax) but that had the devs going for the inevitable. Google about windows on iPhone and you will get loads of results.

The suit was followed by android geek Shawn McHenry who ported Windows 3.1 on Android phone. As he confesses -

I realized, Hey, Windows can be installed VIA Dos. So I went on google & youtube and looked up "Windows on Android" and what do you know, No results. However, I saw a lot of videos about Windows 95, NT, 3.1, etc on a Nokia. So I thought, I want to try and put it on Android. It appears its never been done before. So I gave it a shot...

The hack was done using DOSBOX emulator which allows to run old MS-DOS games for Intel x86 PCs that can't be run on modern operating systems such as Window XP, Vista, Linux, or FreeBSD Unix. Windows 3.1 was launched in 1992 & added quite an array of features at that time like support for long file names,virtual memory and support for sharing.

DosBox running windows 3.1 -

Windows 3.1 on Android -

McHenry explains what he did here but finishes off quickly

"It's completely useless, but really damn cool."

Windows on Android ? Watch out Windows 7 :P



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