Interesting updates from Crookedbrains.

Interesting updates from Crookedbrains.

Installations by Heike Weber.

Posted: 12 May 2010 07:03 AM PDT

What makes these installations really interesting and unique is the fact that these have been drawn by artist Heike Weber using permanent markers on acrylic floors and walls, surfaces that have reached up to 600 m2.

Installations by Heike Weber (12) 1(Image credit: heikeweber).
Installations by Heike Weber (12) 2Installations by Heike Weber (12) 3Installations by Heike Weber (12) 4Installations by Heike Weber (12) 5Installations by Heike Weber (12) 6Installations by Heike Weber (12) 7Installations by Heike Weber (12) 8Installations by Heike Weber (12) 9Installations by Heike Weber (12) 10Installations by Heike Weber (12) 11Installations by Heike Weber (12) 12Other Posts:
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