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Still-Life Performance Of Johan Lorbeer.

Posted: 07 May 2010 05:53 AM PDT

German performance artist Johan Lorbeer became famous for his 'Still-Life' performances that took place in public areas. He has been performing since the 1970's with various kinds of artistic installations, but what got him into spotlight are his still-life performances. It involves illusions that make him look like he is defying the laws of gravity. And for hours he would remain as a living work of art, in physically impossible positions. His other installations like "Proletarian Mural" and "Tarzan" are famous in Germany. Most of these performances feature him in an apparently impossible position. How he does it? You will see the secret of it in the last two pictures.

Still-Life Performance (12) 1(Image credit: 1, 2, 3).
Still-Life Performance (12) 2Still-Life Performance (12) 3Still-Life Performance (12) 4Still-Life Performance (12) 5Still-Life Performance (12) 6Still-Life Performance (12) 7Still-Life Performance (12) 8Still-Life Performance (12) 9Still-Life Performance (12) 10Still-Life Performance (12) 11Other Posts:
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