Tech Mania

Tech Mania

Office 2011 Beta 2 Build For Mac Leaked

Posted: 24 Apr 2010 03:20 PM PDT

Recently Microsoft Office 2010 reached RTM and also hit to MSDN and Technet, and now screenshots of Office 2011 the next version of Office suite for Mac, has been leaked into the internet with a activation key.The launch of Office 2011 has been known yet but might be out by the quarter4 of 2010.The leaked Office 2011 Beta 2 has build number meaning it was compiled on 26th march 2010. As usual the leak of Office 2011 Mac comes from infamous Russian Wzor (know be insider of Microsoft) the one famous for leaking builds of Windows seven.I do not recommend from downloading form restricted sources as these may contain trojans and viruses.So do it at your risk.

Office 2011 for Mac Leaked Build details

File Name:
Size: 625,145,015 byte
SHA1: E0AC5320A3F07E4C406C9C1DD74DF1921B577CD1
MD5: 048E76275918997112AB1A4F8EFBB72B
Check out the screen shots of the same

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