Tech Mania: Apple sells 8.75 million iPhones in Quarter 2 plus 1 more articles

Tech Mania: Apple sells 8.75 million iPhones in Quarter 2 plus 1 more articles

Apple sells 8.75 million iPhones in Quarter 2

Posted: 21 Apr 2010 07:08 AM PDT

Mashable reports that Apple in the announcement of its second quarter earning results says that it has outperformed market expectations with its best non-holiday quarter ever.The company posted $13.50 billion in revenue and a net quarterly profit of $3.33 per diluted share. This obliterates Wall Street estimates of $2.45 a share. The company sold 2.94 million Macintosh computers — that's a 33% increase year-over-year. It also sold 8.75 million iPhones in the quarter for 131% growth year-over-year. Furthermore, the company sold 10.89 million iPods, which is a 1% decrease year-over-year.

Apple CEO Steve Jobs said
We're thrilled to report our best non-holiday quarter ever, with revenues up 49 percent and profits up 90 percent. We've launched our revolutionary new iPad and users are loving it, and we have several more extraordinary products in the pipeline for this year.

apple campus Apple sells 8.75 million iPhones in Quarter 2

If you are interested in getting more updates on this tune in to Apple’s Q2 conference call at 5.00 EDT
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Starcraft cheating scandal rocking korea

Posted: 21 Apr 2010 06:55 AM PDT

The largest scandal in e-sports history is currently unfolding in Korea, with revelations that a number of current pro gamers are involved with match set-ups and illegal betting.Some of the Korean Starcraft pro gamers are currently under investigation for illegal betting, leaking out replay files to gambling groups and throwing away matches (losing deliberately) in return for money! While some of the gamers names have been out, the story is said to touch many A-list StarCraft celebrities – including sAviOr, Ja Mae Yoon – one of the best-known and most successful players of all time.Various gamers are also being investigated, with many denying charges before eventually admitting their involvement.

According to Korean sources, the drama all started several years ago – in 2006 – and exploded properly in 2008, when the betting sites started to contact various players inquiring about rigging their matches. Apparently, retired pro gamers, a former pro gamer coach, a former match announcer and a pro gaming scene reporter brought out their address books and contact lists to play a large part in the deals being made. Coaching staff and camp directors are also implicated, allegedly taking money for charging player entry fees.

Savior ThumbsDown Starcraft cheating scandal rocking korea

The players who  seems to be involved are listed below
Myung Soo (Yarnc), Chan Soo (Luxury), Sang Ho (SangHo), Jung Woo (EffOrt), Yong Hwa (Movie), Jae Yoon (sAviOr), Taek Yong (Bisu), Byong Goo (Stork), Jae Wook (BeSt), il Jang (hero), Myung Hoon (fantasy), Heui Seung (UpMaGiC), Jae Dong (Jaedong), Sang Moon (Leta), Jong Seo (Justin), Chang Hee (go.go)
Here’s an excerpt from Team Liquid’s website where rekrul came out with the following revelation:
I’ve been out of the loop, but I did some poking around due to the Waxangel thread.
Savior, anytime, luxury, and many other progamers have been caught 100% proven cheating. Being arrested and taken to court no joke.
Their ’slumps’ happened because betting sites/rings paid them 10-20k at times to throw games and they finally got caught.
The korean esports world is handling it as quietly as possible so that the industry isn’t harmed by the news which is why you merely only see rumors floating around, but they are no rumors.
I’m not sure about the details but it is confirmed. I will try to get as many names, amounts, and details as possible in the near future!
South Korea, the very home of Starcraft and the would be home of Starcraft 2 has woken up to this shockwave. One has to wonder if Flash’s unbelievable wins are his own doing, or if maybe there is more going on behind the scenes. This also makes some wonder if Jaedong’s unusual slump (and Bisu for that matter) is due to being paid ?
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