Tech Mania: Multi-touch support for Nexus one plus 1 more articles

Tech Mania: Multi-touch support for Nexus one plus 1 more articles

Multi-touch support for Nexus one

Posted: 24 Jan 2010 12:35 AM PST

Nexus one is shaping well in the smart phone arena as compared with it’s competitors but sold 20k phones thanks to many issues including the 3G issues faced with T-Mobile network.The most disadvantageous thing about US version of Nexus is the lack of Multi touch capable web browser even though the hardware and Android 2.1 OS is fully capable of doing it.Why would that be of so much importance.Certain tasks like resizing objects with a finger pinch was not possible.But now folks over at XDA-Developers have released a Nexus One add-on, which enables full multi touch functionality, including gestures like pinch-to-zoom in Nexus One's native web browser.Move forward with the steps mentioned below to add multi touch support to Nexus one.

Note: Follow the guide on your own risk.I haven’t tried this personally i won’t be held responsible if you end up bricking your phone.Don’t worry everything would turn fine.Come back if you have issues with it.You may lose your bookmarks and browser settings by doing this.

Multi touch on NexusOne 250x153 Multi touch support for Nexus one

Add these files by running the following commands:

  • adb shell stop
    adb remount
    adb shell rm /system/app/Browser.odex
    adb push Browser.apk /system/app
    adb push /system/framework
    adb push /system/etc/permissions
    adb shell reboot
  • That’s it done.reboot your nexus and you should be having multi touch support which was disabled by software.

Check out the video in case you get in trouble

Click here to view the embedded video.

Thanks Taimur

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Google founders to share 10 million of shares

Posted: 23 Jan 2010 10:52 PM PST

Larry Page and Sergey Brin, the two billionaire co-founders of Google, would each sell 5 million of their Google shares over the next five years, according to an SEC filing.Since these two are the most significant shareholders they would need to report their plans to the company.

google founders 250x163 Google founders to share 10 million of shares

Currently the two men own approximately 57.7 million shares of Google – about 18% of Google's market value and 59% of the voting power. After the five year plan is complete, they will own around 47.7 million shares, dropping their interest in Google to around 15% of its capital stock and 48% of its voting power. This equates to a transaction of $2.25 billion, based on the current value of a share of Google, $550.01.

Now the point is Why would the founders sell their shares of Google, even though the stock has risen dramatically in recent years ?  The answer is diversification, so that to pave the way for new and dynamic people to take Google to new heights.It’s the same thing that Bill Gates has done for years in order to diversify his profile and give him the flexibility to invest in other endeavors, such as his foundation.This process is made use so as to improve the flexibility and make new innovations click.

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