Many people find it difficult when they send email to your friends with some big file, need to attach and then people can download, ie, gives a lot of work, and often happens email not allow large files to be added, making it impossible it sent the file you want, if you've been through this will know the where you can attach files up to 50 megs and will generate a link that will let you send anything you want for your friends so quickly and simple, Its operation is very simple. On the home page you will see a field to select a file, just click in this field and select the file you want to send. It is allowed to send any file, do it now even upload your file you want and send to your friends or anyone you want.
never been so easy to do file upload your images, videos and music, After selecting the file, click the "Send File", will immediately see a progress that will show the process of delivery, percentage and average expected time to completion. Do not close this window, wait for the window is closed automatically when the upload is complete, after that you will be having a link and you can arrange for people to do the download, so that you still waiting, will now meet missupload. com.
File upload
Posted by computer at 5:10 AM
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