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Tech Mania

Limited edition N97 Mini launched for Nokia Singapore

Posted: 12 Oct 2009 07:03 AM PDT

A fashion house by the name RAOUL has teamed up with Nokia for launching a special limited edition of Nokia N97 mini.The leather-heavy pack will contain a stripe-emblazoned N97 mini with a custom designed Fashion Asia widget and a calf-skin leather case. The whole shebang will come in a leather bound RAOUL box. The production will be limited to just 1000 units and in chance you live in singapore and like to get hands on this one.

n97mini 300x158 Limited edition N97 Mini launched for Nokia Singapore

Go get the pre order for 400$ which comes to  589$ until October 29th.As far as software is concerned, the limited edition Nokia N97 mini will have a special Fashion Asia widget made exclusively for this package.As a reward for buying this limited edition you will receive a complimentary RAOUL Gold membership with 25 euro credit, which can be traded on your next purchase in their boutiques. In addition Nokia will grant you a 25 euro voucher to show how much they appreciate you buying the fashion package.I have heard users complaining about crashes on N97 donno how true it is on Nokia N97 Mini.Let me know if any one buying this.

 Limited edition N97 Mini launched for Nokia Singapore