PROHACK - 3 new articles
Leaked details by the Polish newspaper Rzeczpospolita indicate a large but unsuccessful attack on Polish Government systems which originated in Russia last month.The details indicate that the attack coincided with the 70th anniversary of the outbreak of World War Two and was coordinated at the same time when Russian President Vladimir Putin visited Poland. The attack might have been referenced to the anniversary of infamous invasion of Poland by Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union on September 1939 under the secret terms of the Molotov–Ribbentrop non-aggression pact,however its still unclear as actual reason have not surfaced..yet. Russia has been in news as the disputes between Russia and its neighbors have made their way over the Internet in recent years. and For example, Russian Hackers have been quite nefarious over cyberattacks at Georgia last year and security researchers subsequently blamed the attacks on civilians and Russian cyber-crime gangs. The Internet infrastructure of Estonia was ripped apart in April 2007, following a dispute over the relocation of Soviet-era war memorials and graves. Via The Registrar POSTED BY XERO . ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.   Botnets..Ddos..and Now Phishing.. Yup,everybody's favorite microblogging service Twitter is now under a phishing attack.Recently,Twitter has been notoriously attacked by malicious hackers worldwide,It was uncovered recently that it was being used as a Botnet Control Channel, shortly before that it was subjected to a DoS attack. Phishers are now targeting Twitter users in a new attack which involves sending direct messages to Twitter users which contain a link to a site requesting usernames and passwords. As usual..once the attackers have that, they can take over the account of the victim and use it to send out more messages. However..I'm not exactly sure why the hell anyone would want to steal Twitter accounts? Possibilities - - To monetize them by sending tweets using those accounts in order to spam and spam some more about referrals and affiliate schemes.
- Perhaps in future tweeting a link to a virus site which might lead to outbreak of a new virus like Conficker.
- Just for fun's sake..duh
The cornerstones of social engineering in phishing attacks after all humans are the weakest link in the chain of security. If you are using Twitter you should follow @spam and keep up to date with what is happening on the network. In the mean time,You can Join Prohack at Twitter Keep Learning POSTED BY XERO . ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.   Seems like the decade is proving hard for the black hats,pirates and phishers are busted down by the eminent feds for some serious jailtime. The spree continues when Rapid Neurosis,better known as RNS in the late 90's/early 2000s scene was stung by the whip of law.Six men have been accused of running one of the world's most prolific music piracy ring, an online crew federal prosecutors allege delivered more than 25,000 copyrighted albums, often before they were officially released.RNS was quite popular in the scene with the group releasing more than 25000 music albums on P2P. RNS occasionally used the tagline "Rabid Neurosis - Spread The Epidemic.".RNS was sometimes believed to have started the mp3 scene. After their group was mentioned in an MTV News article about the early leak of the Eminem album Encore, RNS stopped including their initials in filenames and ID3 tags.They stopped around 2007 though, I guess that's when Bit Torrent and p2p was really taking off. With the demise of popular clans (remember aXXo ? anyone?) I am beginning to wonder if the scene is being ripped out of itself. 25,000 albums is a serious number and I bet they will be fined ridiculously. The next bet for the aftermath - 6 more people filling for bankruptcy. They had an impressive network of contacts with people from retail outlets, cd printing factories and radio stations. All the people who get tracks and whole albums before they hit the streets. Are the days of h4x0r5 over ? POSTED BY XERO .ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.   More Recent Articles |
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