Tech Mania

Tech Mania

Windows 7 RTM 7600.16385 X86 and X64 untouched ISO out for download

Posted: 26 Jul 2009 08:21 AM PDT

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Yesterday i posted about the original hashes and checksums for Windows 7 7600.16385 Build for both X86 and X64 versions.News has been leaked that the orignal untouched Windows 7 7600 Build for both X86 and X64 versions has been leaked on to the net.If you have downloaded the older build which was leaked by Wzor i suggest to download the build again along with that check the hashes to see if they are not tampered and unchanged.For the list of hashes you can check out my previous post.The leaked builds are leaked by infamous Zukona and can be found in site or you can check thePiratebay and download from the user Kflash,as he is trusted on the site.MSDN and Connect will get the RTM Build on August 6.

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