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Tech Mania

Windows 7E users can select Browser- Ballot screen

Posted: 25 Jul 2009 07:45 AM PDT

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You might have read about the news that Windows 7E i.e Windows for European countries don’t come with a browser as compared to default Internet Explore which comes shipped with Windows 7.Windows 7 will now ship only to European countries as a result of a disagreement between the European Union and Microsoft. European unions suggestion was that Microsoft should not (only) include Internet Explorer in Windows 7 to give consumers more choice in selecting different browser as per their choice.

One of the commissions suggestion was a so called ballot screen that would give customers an option to select from several different web browsers to be installed on the operating system. The initial response of Microsoft was to remove Internet Explorer from Windows 7 so that users in the European Union would be left with no web browser after installation of the operating system.

Microsoft suggested that a ballot screen would be displayed after the Windows 7 installation (which would install Internet Explorer as the default browser) giving consumers the chance to install another web browser.Here is a quote

Under our new proposal, among other things, European consumers who buy a new Windows PC with Internet Explorer set as their default browser would be shown a 'ballot screen' from which they could, if they wished, easily install competing browsers from the Web. If this proposal is ultimately accepted, Microsoft will ship Windows in Europe with the full functionality available in the rest of the world. As requested by the Commission, we will be publishing our proposal in full here on our website as soon as possible.

A mock up screen is showne below which shows Opera, Firefox, Google Chrome and Safari as the different options.What do you feel, is this right on Microsoft’s behalf.Pour in your comments for the same.

Window7 Browser Mockup

Window7 Browser Mockup

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Windows 7 RTM Build 7600.16385 CRC and SHA-1 Checksums

Posted: 25 Jul 2009 06:58 AM PDT

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Its been a while when the RTM Gold Build 7600.16385.090713-1255 has leaked and will be soon out on MSDN and Technet by August 6th.The original checksums of 7600.16385 Build are officially out and made available by Microsoft.Daniel posted this one Technet recently.I had read about the checksums in Seven forums thread and i wasn’t sure if that was one,Now the hashes are officially out.

  • Windows 7 Retail Ultimate English (x86)
    Name: 7600.16385.090713-1255_x86fre_client_en-us_Retail_Ultimate-GRMCULFRER_EN_DVD.iso
    CRC: 0xC1C20F76
    SHA-1: 0×5395DC4B38F7BDB1E005FF414DEEDFDB16DBF610
  • Windows 7 Retail Ultimate English (x64)
    Name: 7600.16385.090713-1255_x64fre_client_en-us_Retail_Ultimate-GRMCULXFRER_EN_DVD.iso
    CRC: 0×1F1257CA
    SHA-1: 0×326327CC2FF9F05379F5058C41BE6BC5E004BAA7
  • Windows 7 Retail Ultimate E English (x86)
    Name: 7600.16385.090713-1255_x86fre_cliente_en-us_Retail_UltimateE-GRMCEULFRER_EN_DVD.iso
    CRC: 0×953EFBCC
    SHA-1: 0xBC10F09B86DCBAF35B31B0E6FBA7D006ACAAD28D
  • Windows 7 Retail Ultimate E English (x64)
    Name: 7600.16385.090713-1255_x64fre_cliente_en-us_Retail_UltimateE-GRMCEULXFRER_EN_DVD.iso
    CRC: 0×77BE890E
    SHA-1: 0×029DCCEDD7691206010F84CE58343405A4DA92C9

While downloading make sure you verify the builds using MD5checker or Windows 7 ISO Checker.One more utility would be Hashtab to authenicate your Windows 7 Build.

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