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Iphone 3G S Jail breaking mechanism out

Posted: 06 Jul 2009 05:04 PM PDT

iphone3gsjailbreak 225x300 Iphone 3G S Jail breaking mechanism out

After all the buzz of jail breaking the iphones and ipod touch using jailbreaking tools like Quickpwn,Redsn0w,UltrasN0w finally a jail breaking mechanism for iphone 3GS is out.Its a jail breaking tool called “Purplera1n”.Whats it about ? Let me explain.Geohot(George Hotz) released this tool and it works on the Windows platform except Windows 7.Geohot uses an iboot patch to upload a LLB to the phone which utilizes the 24kpwn patch in the bootrom. He mentions on twitter that a simple change in the current redsn0w would allow the 3G[s] jailbreak.

geohot 300x56 Iphone 3G S Jail breaking mechanism out

The jailbreak allows users to download Cydia on their iPhone to install unofficial applications on their device.The method installs an application called Freeze onto the device and this installs and unpacks Cydia.

Users who install Cydia onto their device can then proceed to install UltraSn0w which was recently released to unlock the iPhone 3G, now rumoured to unlock the iPhone 3GS. Users can freely use any service provider using a SIM card on their iPhone without being locked to selected service providers.One disadvantage would be for the users who have installed the iPhone 3.1 SDK as they will not be able to unlock their device due to the update in the baseband.

The tool can be downloaded from you would need to jailbreak iphone 3gS would be as follows.

Download the app from Its very less in size(400KB) so no need for craving for Bandwidth ;)

Latest version of iTunes and obviously an iPhone 3GS with 3.0 firmware.

Procedure to Jail Break :

  • Just plug in your iphone and double click purple ra1n.
  • Button on it which says ‘make it rain’ click on that and wait for the phone to reboot.
  • After rebooting you will have an icon named ‘freeze’ which is the purplera1n installer app.
  • Click on it and you can install cydia from there, So simple right !

Point to be noted is that Purplera1n is currently in beta.Make sure to have everything backed up before running. Also if Cydia doesn’t show up after running Freeze, reboot.If you need help email at gmail and attach your purplera1n.log file. Or call the purplera1n support hotline @ (650) 265-1210.

Major update to this one is the RC2 version of Purplera1n is out too.

Changes in RC2:

Vista, Windows 7, International, 64-bit support
Cydia tar cleaned up
Improved logging with slightly more useful errors
New kernel patches, codesign errors gone.
Added vm_map +x, passed vm_check

Purplera1n doesn’t have very important kernel patches and Cydia needs to be downloaded over Wifi/3G/EDGE through Freeze anyway, which comes to 10mb+ though.Let me explain why would be go for jail breaking.Jailbreak is mere the ability for a phone to be able to install cydia. It is a term used to describe the process of stripping away the protections that prevent a
user from installing applications on an iPhone that have not been digitally signed by Apple.

There are disadvantages too like Jailbreaking an iPhone leaves users vulnerable to attack by stripping away most of the handset's security protections.Charlie Miller a security researcher also quoted that “If you care about security, don't use a jailbroken iPhone.The process removes around 80 percent of the security protections built into the phone's software, making it more vulnerable.”.So its all for those risk lovers and enthus to try.

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Microsoft Security Essentials scores on top rankings.

Posted: 06 Jul 2009 03:39 PM PDT

There has been quite a buzz when the Microsoft Security Essentials was launched few days back and was made to be available to only the first 75000 people at the start.Buzz is going good for Microsoft’s one in all anti-virus and anti spyware solution.Why do i say that ? Coz Independent testing firm AV-Test GmbH ran Microsoft Security Essentials on Windows XP, Vista and Windows 7, putting it up against nearly 3,200 common viruses, bot Trojans and worms.Results were tabulated and it scored top on the list.

Andreas Marx one of the managers said

All files were properly detected and treated by the product.That’s good, as several other antivirus scanners are still not able to detect and kill all of these critters yet.None of the clean files were flagged as being malicious.

The scanner works with the locally-installed anti-virus and anti-spyware databases and it doesn’t appear to use ‘in-the-cloud scanning’ methods.AV-Test also examined Security Essential’s anti-root kit skills and its ability to scrub a system of malware it finds with a limited number of samples and found no reasons to complain.

AV-Test also measured Microsoft Security Essentials against a set of in-house false positives to see whether the software mistakenly fingers legitimate files and it had a positive result there too.Security Essentials aka Morro is able to remove found malware very well, but further tests against larger sets of samples are required before they can come to a final conclusion.

Another noted antivirus testing lab,, said it would formally test Security Essentials in August, and release its results the next month.You can read the review of Morro here.Now there will be some competition between the antivirus giants.Lets see what they come up with.:roll:

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