Tech Mania

Tech Mania

Windows 7 Build 7264 Leaks

Posted: 01 Jul 2009 10:27 AM PDT

Yesterday i had informed about the two new builds after the 7260, 7264 and 7265, out of which the 7264 build is now leaked to P2P networks.Both the 32-bit and 64-bit editions of this build are available on torrents.Point to be noted that Windows 7 Build 7264 Build is not the RTM Escrow Build.

The build string is 7264.0.090622-1900 indicates that it was compiled on 22nd.This is leaked as a DVD and not a ISO file.There are already confirmations that build 7265 has been created two days later.I don’t think windows 7 Build 7265 will be the RTM Build.I have the faint feeling that 7300 would be the RTM Build.

File Name: 7264.0.090622-1900_x86fre_client_en-us_Retail_Ultimate-GRMCULXFRER_EN_DVD
Size: 2,444,688 KB
CRC: 0B916606
MD5: 44F04E9E5762714C3D75A3C9C88DE251
SHA1: 59BA011913B00A820A1E002B9BEDEF139AE15B07

64-bit Windows 7 Build 7264 (x64) ISO File Details

File Name: 7264.0.090622-1900_x64fre_client_en-us_Retail_Ultimate-GRMCULXFRER_EN_DVD
Size: 3,150,518 KB
CRC: 05F87B79
MD5: 670818DB149170C652414E1F75E9390C
SHA1: C6FE386E97944511820291F515A8CBB3DDA329A6

Always verify the checksum and hash first before downloading it. I wont be downloading this one and will wait for the RTM to be out.

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