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Microsoft’s Project Natal: Control the Game with Your Body

Posted: 02 Jun 2009 10:14 PM PDT

I think Microsoft's Project Natal is another milestone in home gaming entertainment. If you have not heard of this buzz that had been going for month, Project Natal does not require any controller to be hooked up to an Xbox 360!

Microsoft seemed to introduce this stuff not only to kids but to all family members. I see that gadget as an all-around entertainment console that's great for the entire family. There isn't any release date yet, but Microsoft said that it will be offered soon.

This cool teaser video says it all:

I guess the physical activity demanded by this new console would help people get on their feet and be active.

Project Natal release date

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World of Warcraft 60 Day Game Cards - Get One Today

Posted: 02 Jun 2009 06:53 PM PDT

Have you already heard about BuyMMOAccounts.com? The site is buys and sells secure World of Warcraft accounts. According to the site, one of the best ways to subscribe to a WOW account is to purchase 60 day game cards.

BuyMMOAccounts.com simplifies purchase by emailing game key codes after you pay, so you get immediate access to that account and avoid those awful lines in a retail store.

Check out their WOW gamecards today or learn more by visiting their website.

This is a paid review.

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