Tech Mania

Tech Mania

Mozilla to release Firefox 3.5 today.

Posted: 29 Jun 2009 02:21 PM PDT

After a series of RC1 which was released in mid June and the consequent RC2 was made available by June 22nd and the final RC3 version was released on June 25th,now Mozilla team is mobilizing to ship Firefox 3.5 today as said by a spokesperson via email.Firefox 3.5 will include a private browsing mode that hides browser activity, a speed-up JavaScript engine known as TraceMonkey, new location services, and support for several emerging HTML 5 features.

HTML 5 support will allow the browser to natively play video encoded in the open source Ogg Theora format and Ogg Vorbis audio, which provides for manipulation and editing of video without the use of an external program.

Firefox 3.0 made its debut in June 2008, and heavy demand for the updated browser prompted Mozilla to delay its release for several hours. When it finally went live, the company reported an estimated 14,000 downloads per minute, and a total of 8 million downloads in 24 hours.Mike Beltzner, Mozilla’s director of Firefox, expects over one billion downloads of Firefox 3.5.You can read the release notes here.

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