Tech Mania

Tech Mania

Iphone 3gS orders already sold out

Posted: 14 Jun 2009 11:02 AM PDT

iphone image 300x199 Iphone 3gS orders already sold out
If you are thrilled by the Iphone 3G S and would be interested in ordering it from the Apple store before it reaches market then you need to wait a bit more as the orders of Iphone 3G S already sold out and people who are making new pre-orders are being said that they will have to wait two weeks to get a phone.AT&T customers who have already pre-orders will still have to line up at 7AM to get the phone,but its ok as long as they have got a guaranteed slot if they do show up,while the rest of the world will have to battle over remaining stock when Apple Stores open at 8AM and AT&T stores open to general customers at the same time.So much demand for iphone 3G S .Looks like many of them will be selling their iphone 3G 8gb and 16gb versions to get a Iphone 3GS.:wink:

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