Eclectic Electronics

Eclectic Electronics

Eye-Fi Pro features ad-hoc support and selective transfer

Posted: 13 Jun 2009 02:00 PM PDT

Eye-Fi Pro Featuring Ad-Hoc SupportThe Eye-Fi Pro is the latest addition to the Eye-Fi WiFi SD card family of cards.

Earlier this year, they introduced YouTube/Flickr-activated Eye-Fi cards. Those video cards required you to connect to Eye-Fi supported hotspots. Even though they have over 10,000 hotspots, it would still be better if you could upload to your own computer.

The Eye-Fi Pro boasts ad-hoc support (meaning the Eye-Fi can connect to your PC directly instead of going through a device such as a router or hotspots. No internet connection is required).

Another nifty addition is Selective Transfer, only files marked as protected or locked will be uploaded from your camera. And according to Eye-Fi, Selective Transfer is free and available now for all Eye-Fi card users through the Eye-Fi Manager.

The Eye-Fi Pro lets users wirelessly upload more file types, including JPEG and RAW images and videos. The Eye-Fi Pro also allows users to create an ad hoc connection through their computer or other mobile device to wirelessly upload media files while away from a wireless router.

"The Eye-Fi Pro has streamlined my workflow. It lets me quickly upload files in the background while I continue my photo shoots. My clients can choose their best shots in near real time," said Jeff Sockwell, an Eye-Fi Pro beta user and professional photographer who used Eye-Fi in a portrait session with more than 150 dance students. "I also have assurance that photos are automatically saved both on my computer and my Eye-Fi Pro."

Like the Eye-Fi Explore Video, the new Eye-Fi Pro will automatically upload images and videos direct to more than 25 online photo and video sharing sites. It also lets users upload away from home at more than 10,000 Wayport and open hotspots, and will automatically geotag photos with information about where the images were taken. The Eye-Fi Pro is now available at and for an MSRP of $149.

[via CrunchGear and Eye-Fi]

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Posted: 13 Jun 2009 12:00 PM PDT

Brando SATA HDD Multimedia Dock II with HDMI

Didn’t like the Brando SATA HDD Multimedia Player Adapter? This vertical-loading hard disk dock sure does look a lot prettier. The Brando SATA HDD Multimedia Dock II is able to accommodate 2.5-inch and 3.5-inch SATA hard drives and can output video of up to 1080i resolution via HDMI. It also features those good ol’ RCA composite and component outputs. There’s also a SD card slot.

The bad thing? The buttons on the front look mighty ugly and the device costs $79!

[via Brando]

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Apple iPhone 3G S (Angled on White Surface)

iPhone/iPod Touch owners may relax now since redownloading applications direct to devices won’t actually charge you something. According to a lead developer at Apple, the message was simply a bug in the system.

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[AppAdvice via TechCrunch]

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