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Newest Prime Number Discovered

Posted: 16 Jun 2009 07:38 AM PDT

The buzz about the new prime number isn't really the latest news, but this discovery gathers quite a huge interest to day. Odd Magnar Strindmo from Melhus, Norway claimed that he had found the 47th Mersenne prime number last April 12. This IT professional used a 3.0 GHz Intel Core2 processor and this took him 29 days to calculate this 13-million-digit number. This 47th Mersenne prime number is not the largest number: the largest number was discovered last year. Tony Reix verified this feat independently using a different program that ran on his HPC servers.

I hope you had not forgotten what prime numbers are. Prime numbers are often taught at Elementary Math or Arithmetic in grade school. These numbers are divisible only by one and themselves. Typical examples of prime numbers are 2, 3, 5, 7 and 11.

Now Mersenne primes are a different breed. These prime numbers are equal to this formula:

new prime numberwhere n must be a prime number.

Mersenne primes are not discovery made in the modern times. Ancient Greek mathematicians were still the first to discover and study these interesting primes.

There is actually an organization whose ultimate goal is to hunt Mersenne primes: Great Internet Mersenne Prime Search or GIMPS, which had been around since 1996.

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Newest Prime Number Discovered

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Can You Afford to Stay in this Underwater Hotel?

Posted: 16 Jun 2009 03:56 AM PDT

Dubai seemed to be shaped up as an architectural wonder in the Middle East. The world looks to them at awe at their magnificent fancy structures. Now their underwater hotel is near to its opening date – finally, as its opening day is always delayed. This hotel, named as Hydropolis Sea Resort, will be open to the public soon. Like their other famous structures, this luxurious underground hotel looks more like a giant sea monster at a distance than an underground building.

This underground hotel is said to be worth £300m. It boasts of 220 suites that show the scenic views of the underwater. The roof of this structure was constructed above water so that guests can hold special events.

To get to the hotel, guests will have to take trains going to and from the building. Interestingly, unlike other hotels, this building is protected by a missile defense system.

underwater hotel

I guess this is way beyond what I can afford. For now, I could just imagine myself enjoying a night at one of their underground suites.

If you want to know more about this luxury hotel, you may want to dig deeper into this article:  Hydropolis Underwater Hotel, Dubai, United Arab Emirates

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Can You Afford to Stay in this Underwater Hotel?

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