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bug I.T. s - Technology News and Updates

HubSpot: "Twitterers do not Tweet"

Posted: 12 Jun 2009 03:16 PM PDT

Almost 50 % of users in Twitter do not follow anyone, have never tweeted and have no followers. This is according to the HubSpot Releases of June 2009 Twittersphere Report.
The report uses Twitter Grader, one of its free marketing tools that measures the power and authority of Twitter accounts.

HubSpot looked a data from more than 4.5 million Twitter users that focuses on activity levels of Twitterers. If some reviews specified that Twitter made its phenomenal growth in micro-blogging, Brian Halligan, CEO and co-founder of HubSpot said "However, the June 2009 State of the Twittersphere points out that people may not be using Twitter to its full potential. If new users aren't really engaged, should it really be considered growth?"

But for me, this latest news about twitter is true, i have an account but i never tweet! hehe, and how about you?