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Nokia launches Ovi store Worldwide

Posted: 29 May 2009 04:54 AM PDT

On the lines of Apple’s Itunes store,The world's largest mobile phone manufacturer,Nokia has finally launched its Ovi Store worldwide.Nokia Ovi Store is a marketplace for Nokia to launch an application, music, video, widget and ringtones.Along with this it allows Nokia users to download free and paid application to their Nokia handsets running on Symbian S40 and S60 platforms including the latest ones like 5800 and E series like E71 and N series like N97.

ovi Nokia launches Ovi store Worldwide

It also provides third party application developers an easy way to distribute and monetize their applications to Nokia users all over the world. The Nokia is offer 70% of revenue sharing to developer which similar to Apple app store. Currently, there have a number of applications are available to download at Ovi Store.Nokia Ovi Store is expected to be available for US users by later this year through AT&T network.

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