Interesting updates from Crookedbrains.

Interesting updates from Crookedbrains.

Life Size Illusions.

Posted: 20 May 2009 08:10 AM PDT

Life Size Illusions.
Impossible Triangle, Perth, Australia: It was designed by artist Brian McKay and architect Ahmad Abas. It's a 13.5 meters high aluminum sculpture of the impossible triangle and is located in East Perth, Western Australia.

Impossible Triangle, Perth, Australia (3) 1(Image credit: wiki).
Impossible Triangle, Perth, Australia (3) 2Impossible Triangle, Perth, Australia (3) 3

Escher's (Louis Albert Necker's) Cube: This is the result of Gershon Elber's woodworking hobby, making a version of this cube from wood. "Here is the realizable variant of Escher's/Necker's Cube. If you will look carefully enough, you will find this cube in Escher's original Belvedere drawing."

Escher Cube (3) 1"(C) Copyrighted to Gershon Elber, 2002-9." Images used here with permission.

Escher Cube (3) 2Escher Cube (3) 3(Image credit: Gershon Elber).

Impossible Triangle Sculpture, Gotschuchen, South Austria, Europe:

Impossible Triangle Sculpture, Gotschuchen, South Austria, Europe (2) 1 (Image credit: wiki).
Impossible Triangle Sculpture, Gotschuchen, South Austria, Europe (2) 2(Image credit: roz).

Impossible Triangle: Created by Mathieu Hamaekers, this impossible triangle is located in the center of the Belgian village Ophoven.

Impossible Triangle (2) 1Impossible Triangle (2) 2(Image credit: planetperplex).

Impossible Pointer: George Radebaugh created this impossible pointer from old used compact discs.

Impossible Pointer(Image credit: cdsculpture).

Impossible Doghouse: It looks like we have an impossible doghouse made of wood here!

Impossible Doghouse (2) 1Impossible Doghouse (2) 2(Image credit: planetperplex).

Impossible Crate: It measures 95cm x 72cm. This and the following two come from Francis Tabary's - Creation Of Original And Unique Works Of Art. 'Unique in the world, the works of art created by Francis Tabary bring to contemporary sculpture a dimension in space never seen before!'

 Impossible CrateLarge Outdoor Wheel: Its height is 200cm.

Large Outdoor WheelLarge Outdoor Penrose: Its height is also 200cm.

Large Outdoor Penrose(Image credit: francistabary).

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