Witty Sparks

Witty Sparks

Critically acclaimed ‘The Tree Of Life’ to be released in India by PVR Pictures!


The Tree of Life is an American drama written and directed by Terrence Malick, and starring Sean Penn, Brad Pitt and Jessica Chastain. It’s about the life journey of the eldest son Jack, through the innocence of his childhood to his disillusioned adult years. The much awaited and critically acclaimed film has been hailed as one [...]

bug I.T. s - Technology News and Updates

bug I.T. s - Technology News and Updates

Flexibility with Easy Office Phone

Posted: 26 Jul 2011 09:19 PM PDT

Is your company still running the traditional telephony system? Are you experiencing unexpected downtime to your telephone system? Then, it's time for change; choose the right Business Phone Service for your company to be more successful in the market. Keep in mind, communication is very important for a company to progress forward.

Easy Office Phone is the right choice not just because of its long-time in VOIP service but speaking of Support quality and Reliability, this is the only VOIP Company who can guarantee these services. Easy Office Phone is a Hosted PBX provider for small and medium sized businesses. This means that customers can work efficiently and gives them flexibility to work everywhere. Let set for example, if your Business VOIP is being hosted by Easy Office Phone, then you can basically install this service to your company computers or maybe to your Andriod Phones or any mobile phone that will cater VOIP services.

Advantages are you invest less cost of money for the Telephony system. Then, your small or medium based company's system is now upgraded. Most importantly, your staff that are travelling or working at home will experience fewer problems in communication and data or information like reports will be passed immediately and efficiently to their boss.

Cuidados especiais para seu bichinho de estimação na Pet Klinic por apenas R$9,57

Oferta do Dia - OfetasClube.com.br

Salvador, 27 de Julho de 2011

76%OFF Banho + Tosa + Hidrat. + Siliconização + Perfume + Escovação Dentária. De R$39,90 por R$9,57


Esta oferta é tão boa que até quem não tem bichinho de estimação vai comprar! Todos os serviços que seu bichinho mais gosta por um preço inacreditavelmente baixo: 76%OFF em Banho + Tosa Higiênica + Hidratação + Siliconização + Perfume + Escovação Dentária. De R$39,90 por R$ 9,57. Agora aproveite e garanta os seus cupons. Ofertas Clube: compra coletiva de verdade com preços que parecem de mentira.

Ofertas Clube
81%OFF em Produção + Ensaio Fotográfico + 15 fotos impressas no tamanho 15X21 + 1 Pôster 30X40 + CD com 15 fotos. De R$ 440,00
Ofertas Clube
Ofertas Clube
71%OFF em Pizza Grande + 02 Refrigerantes. De R$46,20 por R$13,38 no Maria Massa & Grill.
Ofertas Clube
Ofertas Clube
79%OFF em Escova Selante (semi progressiva) + Corte. De R$260 por R$54,60 no Salão Maison Beautê
Ofertas Clube

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Witty Sparks

Witty Sparks

Five Ways to Boost Your SEO for Free


SEO, or Search Engine Optimisation, is one of those 'buzzwords' which, if you have anything at all to do with online marketing, you surely can't have missed. But SEO isn't simply a dying trend; far from it. It's actually a genuine strategy for boosting traffic to your website naturally – i.e. without using PPC (Pay [...]

bug I.T. s - Technology News and Updates

bug I.T. s - Technology News and Updates

Right CRM for Successful Business

Posted: 25 Jul 2011 04:08 PM PDT

The secret for a successfull business is the right choice of Customer Relationship Management or CRM. One should understand the correct CRM software, CRM Support and the best CRM training team.Detailed and customized CRM training is available for Microsoft Dynamics, Saleslogix, Salesforce, Sage CRM, Act, Siebel/Oracle, Outlook and Sugar CRM.

The good thing of searching and selecting the right CRM trainers is you can actually request to customize the training and the software needed for your company's employee. Take note, selecting the wrong CRM software solution can cost your company lost sales.

Presente Dia dos Pais / Escova Selante+Corte / Alinhamento Veicular/ Kit Festa Completo

Oferta do Dia - OfetasClube.com.br

Salvador, 24 de Julho de 2011

61%OFF Caneca Mágica ou Caneca de Chopp ou Sandália Havaianas personalizadas. De R$45 por R$17,55


No Dia dos Pais dê um presente personalizado pagando pouquinho. A Brunety, em parceria com o Ofertas Clube apresenta esta promoção imperdível: 61%OFF em 1 Caneca Mágica ou 1 caneca de Chopp ou 1 Sandália Havaianas personalizada com foto. De R$45 por R$17,55. Corra porque o numero de cupons é limitado. Ofertas Clube. Compra coletiva de verdade com preços que parecem de mentira.

Ofertas Clube
79%OFF em Escova Selante (semi progressiva) + Corte. De R$260 por R$54,60 no Salão Maison Beautê
Ofertas Clube
Ofertas Clube
65% OFF em Alinhamento + Balanceamento Computadorizados + Limpeza de Bicos. De R$80 por R$28
Ofertas Clube
Ofertas Clube
61%OFF em Kit Festa com Torta Recheada+100 docinhos+100 salgadinhos. De R$228 por R$88,92
Ofertas Clube

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Pro Hack - winAUTOPWN v2.7 Released - Vulnerability Testing on Windows

Pro Hack - winAUTOPWN v2.7 Released - Vulnerability Testing on Windows

winAUTOPWN and bsdAUTOPWN are minimal Interactive Frameworks which act as a frontend for quick systems vulnerability exploitation. It takes inputs like IP address, Hostname, CMS Path, etc. and does a smart multi- threaded portscan for TCP ports 1 to 65535. Exploits capable of giving Remote Shells, which are released publicly over the Internet by active contributors and exploit writers are constantly added to winAUTOPWN/bsdAUTOPWN. A lot of these exploits are written in scripting languages like python, perl and php. Presence of these language interpreters is essential for successful exploitations using winAUTOPWN/bsdAUTOPWN.

Exploits written in languages like C, Delphi, ASM which can be compiled are pre-compiled and added along-with others. On successful exploitation winAUTOPWN/bsdAUTOPWN gives a remote shell and waits for the attacker to use the shell before trying other exploits. This way the attacker can count and check the number of exploits which actually worked on a Target System.

Read more here


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