Tech Mania: Microsoft Releases Windows 7 For Embedded Systems plus 2 more articles

Tech Mania: Microsoft Releases Windows 7 For Embedded Systems plus 2 more articles

Microsoft Releases Windows 7 For Embedded Systems

Posted: 30 Apr 2010 06:07 PM PDT

Microsoft has released Windows Embedded Standard 7 operating system, which allows manufacturers to embed the OS into TVs, interactive digital signs, set-top boxes and other consumer electronic devices.The software giant also announced the commercial release of a Windows 7-based interactive sign, developed in a joint venture with chip maker Intel, that has the ability to recognise the gender of a user.Now that’s awesome isn’t it.The sign comes with interactive technology including panning and zoom, touch, and gesture input. The digital sign is intended as an interactive information point at malls, hospitals and other public places.

Steve Guggenheimer, corporate vice president of Microsoft’s OEM division, wrote in a blog post:

Building on the strength of Windows for PCs and Windows for phones, we are upgrading our entire portfolio of platforms and technologies for the embedded market with Windows 7 technologies to better serve our partners and customers.

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It is not known whether Microsoft plans to rename or replace Windows Embedded Compact or CE by this iteration although it is unlikely given the resource demands and memory footprint.It would be interesting to see how Windows Embedded Standard 7 shapes up with Windows Mobile 7.Would love to know your views on it.

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Apple replies back – Flash is Evil Because It is ‘Closed and Proprietary’

Posted: 30 Apr 2010 03:37 PM PDT

Remember Adobe had launched a sharp attack on Apple’s iPad in a blog posting saying that Apple is mistaken in its approach to connecting consumers to content. Apple did not permit Adobes Flash to be used on its popular iPhone device and also on the iPad.In a rare public comment, Apple’s public relations department responded to criticisms from the project manager for Adobe Flash, suggesting his recent criticism of Apple was “backwards.”In a statement to CNet’s DeepTech, Apple spokeswoman Trudy Miller fired back at Adobe’s Mike Chambers, who revealed this week that his company was abandoning its investment in a feature that would allow Flash applications to be ported natively to the iPhone OS.

steve jobs 300x227 Apple replies back   Flash is Evil Because It is Closed and Proprietary

Apple’s Miller adds,
Someone has it backwards — it is HTML5, CSS, JavaScript, and H.264 (all supported by the iPhone and iPad) that are open and standard, while Adobe’s Flash is closed and proprietary.
When Apple introduced iPhone OS 4 earlier this month, company co-founder Steve Jobs was asked if there were any plans to add support for Adobe Flash. Jobs simply responded, “No.” At a company meeting in January, the CEO was rumored to have called Adobe “lazy,” and said most Mac crashes are due to Flash. “The world is moving to HTML5,” Jobs was quoted as saying.Jobs also allegedly called Flash a “CPU hog” in a meeting with officials from The Wall Street Journal. The Apple co-founder was said to have called the Web format “full of security holes” and “old technology.”
Adobe employees and supporters have fired back publicly since Apple revealed the iPad, which does not support Flash. Then, earlier this month, Apple took it one step further and specifically prohibited the development of applications using “an intermediary translation or compatibility layer tool.” The change to the iPhone OS developer agreement means that software originally written for formats like Adobe’s Flash cannot be ported to the iPhone, iPad and iPod touch. Adobe’s forthcoming Creative Suite 5 includes software that allows Flash developers to port their software to the iPhone, though Adobe will no longer advance that technology due to Apple’s changes.
One Adobe supporter suggested Apple timed the announcement to hurt sales of CS5. Jobs, in an e-mail, defended the move and said that intermediary software only results in substandard applications.If iPad wont have flash t, iPad users will not be able to access the full range of web content, including over 70% of games and 75% of video on the web and sites like Disney, Hulu, Miniclip, Farmville, ESPN, Kongregate, or JibJab.This was unnecessary from Apple’s side commenting on serious stupid talking and comments.
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Flash support coming for Froyo – Android 2.2

Posted: 30 Apr 2010 07:28 AM PDT

News comes that the latest Android release ver. 2.2 aka Froyo would have Flash support embedded.According to Google's VP of Engineering, Andy Rubin, Google will incorporate full Flash support on Android phones, when they release Android 2.2 later this year.It has been about a year since we first saw Flash being demoed on a Android phone and since then, HTC has attempted to port it to its HTC Hero handset which was not that of a success.We might actually see Flash 10.1 on Android as this was never with Android.

android flash Flash support coming for Froyo   Android 2.2

Adobe has hinted at times that 2nd half of 2010 would be when we would see the first devices with Flash.In his recent New York Times interview, Rubin pretty much confirmed that time frame somewhere in June,However Rubin did not get into specifics about what phones would be getting the upgrade to Android 2.2 and what devices would be getting native Flash support.After Adobe moved on from trying to bring its services to Apple's iPhone/iPod Touch, they are focusing most of their efforts towards Android.

We look forward to delivering Flash Player 10.1 for Android smartphones as a public preview at Google I/O in May, and then a general release in June. From that point on, an ever increasing number and variety of powerful, Flash-enabled devices will be arriving which we hope will provide a great landscape of choice.

We use the same tools we expect our third party developers to”) the iPad (he bought one for his wife) and Android and/or Chrome tablets (“If a consumer walks into store and two of those tablets are my company's choices, I'm all good.

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So all you Nexus One owners can rejoice, you will surely receive this update first. The Droid and others should follow.The only other thing unclear about the Flash 10.1 support, is if it will be come default into the Android operating system, or will it be a separate download all together.  The community expects Google to make a formal announcement at its upcoming I/O conference on May 19th.

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Interesting updates from Crookedbrains.

Interesting updates from Crookedbrains.

27 Cool and Creative Weigh scales.

Posted: 30 Apr 2010 07:24 AM PDT

A cool and creative collection of weigh scales for our weight conscious readers.

Bath Rug with Scale: Kwon Sunman's Rug with Scale is a combination of a scale with a rug. It not only tells your present weight, but also displays your weight in comparison to your previous weight and goal weight.

27 Cool and Creative Weigh scales (30) 127 Cool and Creative Weigh scales (30) 2Doormat Scale: Doormat scale that measures your guests' weight! A cool idea!

27 Cool and Creative Weigh scales (30) 3Weighing Seat: The Weighing Seat designed by Atypyk design studio combines a weighing scale and a seat in one design to form a chair. Is sure to help eat less if one sits on this one and eats.

27 Cool and Creative Weigh scales (30) 4Math Weight: This is an interesting way to check your weight. The scale displays your weight in the form of a mathematical equation involving addition, subtraction, multiplication and division which must be solved before the Math Weight accurately tells your weight.

27 Cool and Creative Weigh scales (30) 5Celebrity Weighing Scales: How much do you weigh compared to your favorite celebrity? It doesn't show your weight in kilos, grams or numbers, but in celebrities.

27 Cool and Creative Weigh scales (30) 6Universal Scale: It's a user friendly and less inclusive scale design that unfolds to all shapes and sizes to make weighing easier.

27 Cool and Creative Weigh scales (30) 7Vage Scale: It's a concept scale from German designer Decker, that has done away with numerals completely and shows actual weight either in green or red relative to your entered ideal weight.

27 Cool and Creative Weigh scales (30) 827 Cool and Creative Weigh scales (30) 9Riant Weighing Scale: It uses a set of pendulums with one knob that stays focused at your previous weight (or goal weight) and the other one that reads your actual weight. And if you've gained weight since the last time you stepped on the scale, then it rings.

27 Cool and Creative Weigh scales (30) 1027 Cool and Creative Weigh scales (30) 11WiFi Body Scale: It does all what's expected out of an ordinary scale plus it has a WiFi feature. It uses Wi-Fi to send your weight and other data to your computer, iPhone or private online account page.

27 Cool and Creative Weigh scales (30) 12Fullscale weight scale: The design is a novel and fun way to find out how much you weigh? "Stand onto a weighing scale and you see two regions, the "viewing" region and the "foot rest" region. Instead of separating the "viewing" and the "foot rest" region, I took both of these elements and combine them into a singular and harmonious feature."

27 Cool and Creative Weigh scales (30) 13Paper Scale: " The ultra thin flexible scale combines a pressure sensing sheet that relays information to an e-paper display. It's waterproof, easy to clean, and can be rolled up for storage."

27 Cool and Creative Weigh scales (30) 14Asimov's First Law scales: Called Asimov's First Law, the collection is the creation of designer Alice. Her three scales are designed in such a manner that it either requires another person to read them or it just lies to you.

White Lies scales show the user to be lighter and lighter as they edge further and further backwards, so you can choose how much to let the scales lie to you.

27 Cool and Creative Weigh scales (30) 15The Half Truth design has a display on the front where one can't see it and it requires someone else to read and decide what to tell you.

27 Cool and Creative Weigh scales (30) 16Open Secrets doesn't have a display, instead the user's weight is transmitted to another person's mobile phone.

27 Cool and Creative Weigh scales (30) 17Eye Level Wireless Scale: If you can't read the scale just by standing on it, then this is something to consider.

27 Cool and Creative Weigh scales (30) 18Bathroom Pin Scale: Creation of designer Jim Ruck, the user needs to stands on thousands of pins instead of a platform to weigh. The tightly-packed pins shouldn't be an issue as it would mean that your weight would be more evenly distributed across your feet.

27 Cool and Creative Weigh scales (30) 19Electronic Weighing Scales: Tanita electronic weighing scales come with SD cardslot, PC software and measures more than just your weight.

27 Cool and Creative Weigh scales (30) 20Animal Weighing Scale: This animal scale has images of animals instead of the numbers. It won't give you the exact weight, instead it will make a rough comparison.

27 Cool and Creative Weigh scales (30) 21Toilet Seat Scale: A toilet seat with a built-in digital scale.

27 Cool and Creative Weigh scales (30) 22Art De Toilette Scales: These are designed by Wendy Gold of Art de Toilette.

27 Cool and Creative Weigh scales (30) 2327 Cool and Creative Weigh scales (30) 2427 Cool and Creative Weigh scales (30) 2527 Cool and Creative Weigh scales (30) 2627 Cool and Creative Weigh scales (30) 2727 Cool and Creative Weigh scales (30) 2827 Cool and Creative Weigh scales (30) 29
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