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Iphone market share increases

Posted: 13 Aug 2009 05:18 PM PDT

 Iphone market share increases
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iphonesales 300x148 Iphone market share increases

Gartner published some compelling stats on smartphone sales  and they show that the Apple iPhone continues to quickly increase market share as seen by a 10.5% increase as compared to 2008 year.In Q2 2008 Apple only had 2.8% market share in smart phones.Through nice viral marketing like releasing worldwide and going internationally,releasing new products mid year convincing people to hold out for the next idevice instead of purchasing elsewhere,and strategic price changes (the iPhone 3G for $99) Apple has managed to take control of 13.3% of the smartphone market.Thats a 10.5% increase in just one year.Check out Nokia’s growth,just 2%.

Gartner says that Apple’s smar tphone rise isn’t over  yet

Apple brought its much-anticipated new device — the iPhone 3G S — to market at the end of the second quarter of 2009, but its full potential will only start to show in the sales figures in the second half of 2009.

Lets see how market varies with the upcoming on Android ones.:roll:


Google voice soon to be in iPhone via Webapp

Posted: 13 Aug 2009 05:04 PM PDT

 Google voice soon to be in iPhone via Webapp
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Apple had blocked the Google voice app from the App store few days back.Google and FCC were unhappy with this,so they have one more solution by working on a web application (that wouldn’t require Apple confirmation) specifically designed for the iPhone with a appearance identical to the app that Apple rejected.

Google says it is readying a replacement for the Google Voice app that will offer exactly the same features as the rejected app—except that it will take the form of a specialized, iPhone-shaped Web page. For all intents and purposes, it will behave exactly the same as the app would have; you can even install it as an icon on your Home screen.GV Mobile is releasing some thing on Cydia.Smart move by Google.:razz: