Earning, Blogging, Tips and More

Earning, Blogging, Tips and More

Searchles Job Discovery Engine

Posted: 17 Aug 2009 04:58 PM PDT

Searchles, who brought us the Related Content Widget for Blogs and Buzz Map Tag Cloud is here once again to bring a great service to the people in the internet.

Quick Overview: Searchles is a highly scalable "social search" platform.

Searchles has now added a new service which we call the Searchles Job Discovery Engine. This Job Discovery Engine makes it easy for one to find a job. It uses the search technology behind Indeed.com to find the most related jobs depending on the input parameters. Here is the 5-step procedure of using Searchles Job Discovery Engine.

STEP 1: Go to http://jobs.searchles.com/. Prepare your resume or think of keywords related to your work.


On the text box, paste in your resume or the keywords you want your job discovery results to have. You could also input a zip code for a better search, though it is optional.

In this example, I'll use the keyword "software engineer".

STEP 2: Click Discover!

Clicking on Discover! will lead you to a concise results page that looks like this:


STEP 3: Choose whether to Click on the job or Find similar jobs.

STEP 4: Click on the job title. This will lead you to the page where the job is posted. This is where you take it on your own and apply if you are qualified.


STEP 5: Click on Find similar jobs. Go back to Step 3.

Notice how related the similar jobs are to my chosen keyword. Great search algorithm!


Searchles Job Discovery Engine is really useful especially now that finding a job is not easy. So head on to the Searchles Job Discovery Engine and find the perfect job for you! Thank you Searchles!