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Melbourne IT to manage Twitter's Portfolio

Posted: 04 Aug 2009 10:10 AM PDT

Melbourne IT Limited (ASX:MLB) has always been a partner of some giant internet and software companies like Microsoft and Yahoo in different parts of their business, and now, Twitter's domain name Portfolio has been entrusted to Melbourne IT for management and maintenance.

Twitter Bird Changes

This is a two year contract on which money involved/contract value has not been disclosed. Twitter.com, one of the powerful platform in microblogging, has been in contact with Melbourne IT several months ago."The main thing for companies such as Twitter is to be sure that nobody can take control of and tamper with their domain names," Melbourne IT chief strategy officer, Dr Bruce Tonkin, said.

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Fastest Growing Site in its new home page

And speaking of Twitter, It has increased its number of unique visitors for at least 8-10 fold year after year starting 2008 until current, thus making it the fastest growing site in social networking communities. And for that, the company has done lot of innovation just to address users/customers satisfaction and some suggestions.

New Twitter Home Page

One change that everyone will notice is its Home page and its bird. The bird has grown a lot of change, from a boring bird structure to a new and cute bird with a touch of an artistic color combination.