PROHACK - Goodbye Delhi

PROHACK - Goodbye Delhi

Goodbye Delhi

Finally friends..I have packed my bags up,put on my favorite levis-puma-raybann combo and i m almost set to leave the heart of India. My stay here was excellent,a great family,bindass people,loads of knowledge and the opportunity of meeting new people and making new contacts.I especially thanks to my mentors and great friends Satish Jhaldiyal and Mukesh Jhaldiyal who have taught me on how to be more professional and to channelize my energy for the right cause. I have cleared my exam and got my certification and I believe I will be able to make some difference in near future,Amen..
me (extreme left) with my friends with some praiseworthy bad photography 
For the last one month, I have been living off quite a hectic schedule,with just 4 hour sleep and a lot of research work was done. I guess when I will be back in my room,I will be having enough topics to mess and learn.I guess I have to pay for my 3 month internet bill,library fine and will have to take care of my health (need a ENT checkup and have to take care of my sinus problems,I have been getting these virals now quite frequently..),I will miss the Sony Vaio on which I have played countless hours of Resident Evil 4,the mighty powerhouse I have been working upon for all these days and all the friends I have made..
Love you Delhi

Rishabh Dangwal a.k.a XERO
PS:Since I m leaving to a much more jargoned place,expect some delays in web postings and articles..will be 100% online after 11 august.


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