Eclectic Electronics

Eclectic Electronics

T-Mobile HTC Touch Pro2 (aka Wing II) now available for a whopping $350

Posted: 13 Aug 2009 01:00 PM PDT

T-Mobile HTC Touch Pro2 Official Price with Two-year Contract

The HTC Touch Pro2 (aka Wing II), after being sidetracked by an Android handset, has finally made its way through T-Mobile retail locations.

Although it was originally rumored that the device will possibly cost just $299.99, that rumor definitely did not come to light as T-Mobile has priced the device for $349.99 with a two-year service agreement.

The price, although not definitely as attractive as the iPhone or the Palm Pre, will still be able to attract Windows Mobile loyalists nonetheless.

Early reviews have been favorable in most except for the pricing, exclusion of a 3.5mm jack and the soon-to-be-outdated Windows Mobile 6.1:

[via T-Mobile USA]

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